What to do during a malfunction?
You are responsible for verifying that any messages sent shortly before the back-up procedure was launched have been received in good order.
Notifications to the Port of Harlingen:
Dangerous goods, incoming and transit
All notifications must be submitted directly to the port service. The 24-hour obligation to report will be reduced to 8 hours for all incoming and transit dangerous goods. You must notify traffic control by e-mail of all incoming and transit dangerous goods 8 hours prior to arrival. This can be done in any reporting format that is available to you. You are responsible for verifying that your notification has been received by the port service.
Outgoing dangerous goods
All notifications must be submitted directly to the port service by e-mail. This can be done in any reporting format that is available to you. You are responsible for verifying that the port service has received your notification.
Notifications to Groningen Seaports (GSP);
Dangerous goods, incoming and transit
All notifications must be submitted directly to the NSC. The 24-hour obligation to report will be reduced to 8 hours for all incoming and transit dangerous goods. You must notify the NSC by e-mail of all incoming and transit dangerous goods 8 hours prior to arrival. This can be done in any reporting format that is available to you. You are responsible for verifying that the NSC has received your notification.
Outgoing dangerous goods
All notifications must be submitted directly to the NSC by e-mail. This can be done in any reporting format that is available to you. You are responsible for verifying that the NSC has received your notification.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
Notifications to Groningen Seaports;
You will be able to submit your Notification Dangerous Goods using the standard procedure again. Any notifications completed during the malfunction must be submitted to the port service retroactively via the PCS.
Notifications to the Port of Harlingen:
You will be able to submit your Notification Dangerous Goods using the standard procedure again. Any notifications completed during the malfunction must be submitted to the port service retroactively via the PCS.
Port of Harlingen port service
Traffic control
+31 (0)51 741 25 12
Havenmeester van Dienst
+31 (0)65 393 00 28
+31 (0)51 741 34 23
Port service for Delfzijl / Eemshaven
+31 (0)59 664 04 77
+31 (0)59 663 04 64
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