This procedure is generic
What to do during a malfunction?
Requested veterinary inspections will be performed by the inspection station and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) in accordance with standard procedures at the inspection station. Please contact the relevant inspection station by phone for status information. Parties presenting cargo can request new veterinary inspections at the inspection station by fax, e-mail or phone. The party presenting cargo must agree with the inspection point upon the desired type of confirmation necessary for the inspection request and the arrival of cargo.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
You will be able to request inspections using standard procedure. Requests made during the malfunction can, if deemed necessary by one of the parties, be registered in the PCS at a later date. This is not mandatory
What to do during a malfunction?
Please contact the relevant inspection station by phone for statusinformation.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
The final status after a physical inspection will be included in the Veterinary inspection process pages afterwards.
Agro Merchants Maasvlakte
Malakkastraat 15,
3199 LK Maasvlakte, Rotterdam
Tel: +31 (0)85 0436 400
Eurofrigo Eemhaven
Haven nr. 2783
Abel Tasmanstraat 1
3165 AM, Rotterdam
010 – 491 31 13
010 – 491 31 88
Eurofrigo Maasvlakte
Haven nr. 8575
Karimatastraat 7
3199 LN, Rotterdam
010 – 491 31 75 (humaan)
010 – 491 31 73 (niet humaan)
010 – 491 31 88
Den Hamweg 3
3089 KK Rotterdam
088 – 400 18 30
088 – 400 18 40
Kloosterboer Delta Terminal
Tsugarustraat 5, Port Nr. 8679
3199 LS Rotterdam Maasvlakte
0181 – 35 46 00
0181 – 35 46 46
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