Manual for
data owners
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MyData is the Portbase web application that allows data to be exchanged between organisations.
On this page you will find frequently asked questions and corresponding answers.
If your question is not in the FAQ and you have another question about MyData, please use the “report issue” button in the upper right corner to submit your question/issue to customer service.
If you have a question/issue regarding a specific data service, please go to the specific data service and click on the button “report issue” or on the information tab. There you will find the contact information for the general contact person.
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What is MyData?
MyData enables organisations to share data with users securely and in a controlled manner, subject to their own terms & conditions. Moreover, with MyData we have created a single central place for managing data sharing permissions (authorisations).
You can use the MyData web application for this purpose.
What different roles are there on MyData?
Data Owner: the organisation that owns the data that is offered to one or more Data Users through a data service on MyData. The Data Owner is responsible for:
MyData is the place where you as the Data Owner have insight and control over which data your organisation shares, with whom and under which conditions.
Data Provider: the organisation that offers and/or provides data (services) to Data Users on behalf of the Data Owner via MyData.
In many cases, the Data Provider is also the Data Owner (if the data provided is its own data), but not necessarily.
Data User: the organisation that consumes the data from a Data Owner:
As a Data User, on MyData Portal you therefore have an overview of which Data Services you are consuming, from which Data Owners and under which conditions.
How do the different roles interact on MyData?
Below is a visualisation of how the different roles can interact with one another.
In example 1, the terminal (Data Owner) grants data authorisation to the customer (Data User), with Portbase (Data Provider) making the data (service) available to the customer on behalf of the terminal.
In example 2, the terminal (Data Owner) grants data authorisation to the customer (Data User), and the terminal (Data Provider) also makes the data (service) available to the customer.
How do you create a data service?
In the menu on the left, click on “provided data services”. You will then see the “add data service” button in the upper right corner of the Provided Data Services screen. When you click on it, you will enter the wizard, in which you can create a data service.
How can you exchange data?
As a Data Owner/Data Provider, you can share data with a Data User through a system link / API: for secure and controlled (real-time) data sending and receiving via an automated link.
How do I add terms & conditions to my data service (as a Data Provider)?
When creating a data service, in the “Licensing” step, you can add Terms & Conditions. Here you can upload terms & conditions for the data service if required.
Please note: At present, it is not possible to add or modify these Terms & Conditions after publication of a data service.
How do I add terms & conditions for the use of my data (as a Data Owner)?
The terms & conditions you can attach to the use of your data as a Data Owner are specific to each authorisation between you, as the Data Owner, and an individual Data User (customer).
Adding these specific terms & conditions can be done in two ways:
What are the costs of using MyData?
Existing and new PCS customers of Portbase services can use MyData free of charge.
For those organisations that are not customers of Portbase services, there is a fixed monthly subscription fee for using MyData. The one-off connection fee for MyData is €249.50.
Are there any data sharing agreements on MyData? / How is data sharing consent established on MyData?
On MyData, the “data sharing agreement” between the Data Owner and the Data User is established by granting a data authorisation from a Data Owner to a Data User. Conditions may be attached to this authorisation.
Who has access to MyData? And how do I request access?
MyData is accessible to organisations with the “MyData” tile in the IAMconnected environment.
MyData is available to users with the lead administrator or data manager roles in IAMconnected. This means that only employees with knowledge of and involvement in data sharing have access to MyData.
You can request the data manager role as follows:
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