Pre-arrival Cargo Declaration Import (4h)

Easily submit Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to Customs.


Frequently Asked Questions


Does Portbase send the Notification of Arrival (NA) to the STI?

Yes, if you are subscribed to the service Pre-arrival Cargo Declaration Import with Portbase, Portbase will send both the ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) and the NA (Notification of Arrival) to the STI. If you are not subscribed to this service, you need to take care of sending the ENS and NA yourself.

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As part of ICS2, does Portbase offer a service for house filers that allows them to send the ENS?

No, Portbase offers the service Pre-arrival Cargo Declaration Import, with which the ENS is sent, only to shipping companies and shipbrokers.

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In the service Vessel Visit, does Portbase show the distinction between ‘single filing’ and ‘multiple filing’?

If you subscribe to the service Pre-notification Cargo Import from Portbase, you will see in the 'Cargo details' screen within Vessel Visit whether it concerns 'single filing' or 'multiple filing'. If you do not subscribe this service from Portbase, you will not see this distinction.

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