Hinterland Container Notification Barge

Via the Portbase Secure Chain, you can securely prenotify barge visits and containers to sea terminals, inland terminals and depots, and if necessary nominate another haulier. With Hinterland Container Notification Barge, you can see which containers have been assigned to you to prenotify and collect, and if necessary outsource those tasks to subcontractors. Moreover, HCN Barge also supplies the input for Nextlogic’s integrated planning of port visits.

Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) and the Portbase Secure Chain

With the advent of the Portbase Secure Chain, your cargo’s data is accessible only to parties who are actually authorised to view and use that information, by means of nomination and registration. You specify which partners you make responsible for the prenotification and collection of your cargo in HCN. You can also transfer this responsibility by nominating another haulier in the newly developed Shipments dashboard. As such, the service is part of the Portbase Secure Chain, an updated working method for sharing data with each other safely and securely in the Dutch ports. More information about the Portbase Secure Chain can be found here.

Who is it for?

Hinterland Container Notification is used by hauliers.

What type of cargo is it for?

For container, trailer and bulk cargo.

How can I use HCN?

The services Notification Container Hinterland are available via web and API.

Frequently Asked Questions

Portbase Secure Chain

Using pre-generated status requests in MCA and adding B/L number (for Secure Chain releases)

As soon as you as a transport company are designated by a customer to transport a Secure Chain container, a status request is generated automatically. We recommend reusing it for the pre-notification at the terminal, so that it is directly linked to the correct Secure Chain B/L. In addition, the advantage of this is that you need to fill in less information, reducing the risk of errors and saving you time.

Have you already started a status request or pre-notification?
If you have already created a status request or pre-notification yourself, MCA will try to automatically link it to the Secure Chain. This is not always possible due to the complexity of some chains. Make sure you include the B/L number in your status request or pre-notification, so that it can be directly linked to the correct Secure Chain B/L. This will prevent problems and ensure smooth handling.


In brief:

  1. Make use of the pre-filled status requests (only applicable to Secure Chain containers)
  2. If you have created a status request or pre-notification yourself, please follow this urgent advice:
    • Enter the B/L number into the status request or pre-notification.
    • What if I don’t know the B/L number? You can find the B/L number in the MCA shipment dashboard and copy it to your status request or pre-notification.
    • What if I cannot find a shipment for the container in question? Your transport company may not be authorised (yet). Contact your customer to resolve this.

ECT and Euromax cannot process updates. We therefore recommend that pre-notification to these terminals is only done once the status request is completely correct and green.

For inland operators and software providers with an MCA-API system link:

The new field consignmentNumber has been added to the existing handlingData object. For more details, check the and the API specifications in our Developer Portal.


Any problems?
Have you followed all these steps but are still experiencing problems? Please contact Portbase Customer .

In the dashboard it looks as follows:

In MCA Road:

In MCA Barge & Rail as follows:

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Can I also process my export flow via the Portbase Secure Chain?

No, in the current phase, the Portbase Secure Chain is only in place for the import flow of containers.

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Can I also see empty returns via the Portbase Secure Chain?

No, this data is not available in the Portbase Secure Chain in the current phase. This will follow in a later phase.

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How do I request the cargo opening and closing and the ETA/ETD from APMII?

As an inland operator, you can request the cargo opening and closing and the ETA/ETD from APMII by manually linking a handling to a seagoing vessel. This can be done by entering the seagoing vessel that is carrying the container in the prenotification in the field below.

Please note! If there is a change to the seagoing vessel that is carrying your container, it will not be automatically updated! You must make this change manually yourself, otherwise incorrect information will be displayed for the relevant prenotification. You can change the seagoing vessel by clicking on the handling to expand it and entering the correct seagoing vessel in the relevant field.

However, for Secure Chain containers, the seagoing vessel is automatically added to the prenotification, as this information is included in the Secure Chain file.

The information is displayed at several locations within HCN Barge.
  1. Open a rotation and open the visit at APMII. In the 'Handlings' tab, click on 'Show' and hover over the seagoing vessel in a handling.
  2. From the overview above, click a handling to open it.

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What additional data has RWG started sharing via HCN Barge in 2024?

RWG has started sharing the additional data below via HCN Barge in 2024. The data is shared as soon as it is available to the terminal.

  1. Call reference number (CRN): reference number to identify vessel visits. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  2. Cargo closing time: after this time, export containers are not allowed to be dropped off at the terminal for a specific vessel visit. This information is visible for (full and empty) drop-off
  3. Cargo opening time: before this time, export containers are not allowed to be dropped off at the terminal for a specific vessel visit. This information is visible for (full and empty) drop-off
  4. Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of seagoing vessel: expected time of arrival of the seagoing vessel according to the terminal. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  5. Estimated Time of departure (ETD) of seagoing vessel: expected time of departure of the seagoing vessel according to the terminal. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  6. Expected discharge time (EDT): expected discharge time of an import container. The information becomes available after the actual time of arrival (ATA) of the vessel. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up After discharge, the information field is cleared.
  7. Size type: the container size type known to the terminal is fed back in case there is a size type mismatch. This information is visible for full pick-up containers and for empty pick-up containers if the container number is known.
  8. Ultimate release date: commercial release end date. This information is visible for full pick-up
  9. Voyage number: number identifying the voyage of a vessel. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off

The additional RWG data is displayed at several locations within HCN Barge.

For pick-up containers:
  1. Open a rotation and open the visit at RWG. In the 'Handlings' tab, click on 'Show' and hover over the seagoing vessel.
  2. From the overview above, click a handling to open it.

For drop-off containers:
  1. In a visit, open the 'Handlings' tab and then click on 'Show' to show all the handlings in the visit.
  2. From the overview above, click a handling to open it.

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Where can I retrieve my billing statement?

Follow the steps below to retrieve your billing statement:

  1. In the HCN web screens, click on the dropdown menu at the top right of the screen and then on 'Billable transactions'.
  2. Select the period for which you want to request billing statements.
  3. Click 'Download' to retrieve the billing statement for the selected period.

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Is it possible to only see my Loading or my Discharge containers?

By clicking on 'Loading' or 'Discharge' or the 'Visit voyage ID' (on the right of the screen, see screenshot) you have the possibility to see handlings for loading or discharging only. The filter is activated when the word ‘Loading’ or ‘Discharge’ is highlighted in orange. This filter is will stay activated when navigating through visits and also across sessions. So, if you don't see a container make sure you have selected the right filter.

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What does the ‘blue orb’ means in the rotation overview?

This means that the terminal has changed something in a visit. For example, that the visit has been accepted.

The blue orb for a visit disappears (for everyone) when someone presses the 'Acknowledge update' button.

For the rotation and visits when viewing a rotation:

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Which terminal supports which HCN functionality?

View the support per modality below.

HCN Road

What options do you have as a carrier?

TerminalAddressZip codeEAN codeLocation codeStatus requestStatus requests: Continuous updatesPre-notificationUpdate pre-notificationCancel pre-notificationPre-notification: Continuous updatesGate-in Gate-outEmpty pre-notification: with booking nr. onlyTAR codeRemote Check-InRemain on TruckCommercial window informationCargo opening & closing informationEAN Validation
APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.VEuropaweg 9103199 LC8713755272258NLRTMNLMVII1
CLDN DistriportMannheimweg 33197 LR8713755502218NLRTMBDP
CTT RotterdamButaanweg 173196 KC8713755283179NLRTMCTTR
CTVrede AmsterdamCorsicaweg 8b 1044AB 8713755502287NLAMSCTVA
CTVrede HoogtijAchterspring 11551NR 8713755502287NLWTZCTVH
DCS | Kramer GroupMissouriweg 303199 LB 8713755948719NLRTMOQEP1
Euromax Terminal B.V.Maasvlakteweg 9513199 LZ8713755502201NLRTMEMX

Hutchison Ports Delta II B.V.Coloradoweg 503199 LA8713755000394NLRTMHPD21
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta Terminal B.V.Europaweg 8753199 LD8713755000059NLRTMDCD

Matrans Rotterdam TerminalReeweg 253089 KM8713755234607NLRTMMATR
R.B.C./CetemWestgeulstraat 6 3197 LD8713755299484NLRTMCETA
RCT | Kramer GroupMissouriweg 173199 LB 8713755955137NLRTMKRM1
RSCReeweg 353089 KM8713755000158NLRTMRSC
RSTReeweg 353089 KM8713755259860NLRTMRST
RWGAmoerweg 503199 KD8713755270896NLRTMRWG1
UWT Depot FrisohavenBunschotenweg 1603089 KC8713755903541NLRTMUWT1
UWT Depot WaalhavenWaalhaven West Zijde 603089 KR8713755047085NLRTMWHT1
UWT Depot MaasvlakteAfrikaweg 113199 KJ8713755964382NLRTMUWTYH 1
  • ECT + Euromax: Once all statuses are OK, there will be no further updates if any changes occur.
  • HPD2: 24/7 with TAR timeslot. For more information, check the terminals company website.
  • APMII: half-hour TAR timeslots. For more information, check the terminals company website.
  • RWG: 1-hour TAR timeslot. For more information, check the terminals company website.
  • RCT & DCS: 1-hour TAR timeslot. For more information, check the terminals company website

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I can’t find what I am looking for with the search bar.

Can the minimum call size be modified?

The minimum call size check in HCN Barge applies to calls at ECT Delta/Euromax and RWG. These terminals can amend the minimum call size per visit. However, this will only be permitted in very exceptional cases.

Please contact ECT CAL or RWG Berthplanning to request an amendment.

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Is it possible to cancel a status request?

You can cancel the status request in the MCA web screen. However, no cancellation will be forwarded to the terminal.

On the terminal side, the status request expires as soon as a new status request or prenotification is submitted. Or if the term of the status request expires.

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What seal number do you enter for a FLAT?

You may enter FLAT or TANK here.

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Where can I find the history (log) of my rotation?

You can view the history within the service. Click on the rotation and then on the ‘history’ tab.

There you will find the event history (a log) like the printscreen below. This shows you all the events that took place on that rotation. By clicking on an event, the rotation is shown as it appeared at that moment in the past.

Note: you can search within the history by using the search function CTRL+F.

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Is it possible to view a rotation/visit after it has been cancelled?

Once you have cancelled a rotation or visit, it will no longer be displayed on the HCN Barge and HCN Rail web page.

The terminal will receive a “Cancellation Requested” status update in connection with the cancelled visit/rotation.

As soon as the terminal accepts the cancellation, the visit or rotation will no longer be visible on the terminal web page of HCN Barge / HCN Rail.

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How can I quickly find my prenotification/status request, visit or rotation?

There are search filters within the screens. By entering one or more search terms, you can create a list. Search terms can be combined by means of a space. A search is performed on the words you see in the list but also on words and fields in the entire prenotification/status request, visit or rotation.

Examples: Go to the list of 'Handlings' or the 'Handlings' tab in a visit.

Desired result: list of all handlings of containers Search terms
being loaded Loading
being discharged Discharge
with container number ABCD6170760 ABCD6170760
with booking number/clearance reference


being discharged with a rejected prenotification rejected discharge
that have been cancelled Cancelled
that are empty and have been discharged empty discharged
with shipping company 'Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd' OOCL
that are blocked BLC
for which the documents are not in order (Customs Documents Missing) CDM

Below is a summary of known codes which the terminal can communicate back to you via the handling status and which you can search on using the search filter.

Code Omschrijving
BCO Before cargo opening
BLA Blocked by shipping line
BLB Blocked by security
BLC Blocked due to customs
BLD Blocked by fire brigade
BLI Blocked by inspection
BLN Blocked due to difference in container number between delivery order and physical container
BLP Blocked by police
BLT Blocked by terminal/Not present
CDM Customs documents missing
COA Container not available
COK Container OK
COR Container not released/Booking status
COU Container unknown
CTV Cancel Terminal Visit
DUP Duplicate order
ORA Booking already in use
ORN Booking number unknown/Carrier or container lessor unknown
OTH Other
QQQ Conditionally accepted
RUB Message has error in specified EDIland category, ie. RUB76.1
BOF Booking status
BON Size/type
NNG Booking number unknown
VES Vessel unknown

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Which browsers are supported?

Common browsers including Microsoft Edge are generally supported. The preference for optimum use is Google Chrome. Internet Explorer, the Microsoft predecessor to Edge, is not supported (from October 31, 2021).

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What do the figures displayed on the rotation and visit screen mean?

For example, if you see 5/50, this means: 5 handlings are linked to this rotation or visit and 50 containers are notified as the expected number to discharge. As a result, you can see that you can still link multiple handlings to this visit without exceeding the expected number to discharge.

Please note: as soon as the barge goes into operation, actual numbers are shown, for example, 2/40 = 2 containers actually loaded of a total of 40 containers prenotified for loading during this visit.

The numbers after the warning icon indicate how many containers there are issues within the handling status.

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Can I still submit the connecting seagoing vessel at terminal visit level?

No, this information is not used by the terminals. This may change in the future.

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How do I add barge operators?

Go to the rotation and add one or more barge operators under the 'Cargo declarant' tab.

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Should the voyage number be unique or only in combination with the call ID?

There is no validation of whether the voyage number is unique.

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If I delete a prenotification of the visit in my own planning system, what happens?

MCA Barge sends a cancellation of the prenotification to the terminal. A status request is then sent to the terminal. It can be found as a separate status request in the web screen under the Handlings -> "Detached handlings" tab.

If you link the prenotification to another visit, MCA Barge will send a cancellation of the prenotification to the terminal. A new prenotification will then be sent to the terminal of the new visit. It will be available under "Handlings" of the new visit.

You will continue to receive updates on the handling status if the terminal supports them. Click here to visit the functionality overview.

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If a terminal does not support editing of prenotifications, what can I do in our own planning system?

You can cancel the prenotification and make your changes in the same prenotification. You then resend the prenotification.

Please note: every prenotification is given a unique label within HCN by which Portbase recognises the transaction. You can change, cancel and resubmit this prenotification with a unique label at any time. As long as you continue to use the same original prenotification, you pay for only one transaction.

View the Functionality Matrix to see whether the terminal supports a modification message.

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I have submitted a prenotification from our planning system. Can I then submit a new prenotification and/or status request?

If you submit a new prenotification with the same combination, the prenotification will be rejected.

A prenotification may occur only once with the combination of:

  1. Container number
  2. Direction (loading/discharging)
  3. Clearance reference/booking number
  4. Terminal
  5. Shipping company

A status request can be submitted multiple times; however, once is enough to receive ongoing changes to the handling status.

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Processing the commercial release

As the haulier, can I nominate another haulier before the commercial release is issued?

Yes, you can track the container(s) in HCN well before the ship's ETA. You can then also inform the subcontractor by linking them to your shipment. The chain will not become active until the commercial release is issued.

The prenotification can also be made before the commercial release, but there is an exception for ECT's terminal, because it cannot process updates.

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I am the haulier for one or more containers. How can I nominate another haulier?

Select the container(s) you want to assign to another haulier by checking the box to the left of the container line. The Forward button then appears at the bottom of the page. By clicking on it, you can choose which organisation you want to prenotify and transport the selected container(s).

Important! You can select multiple containers at once, but you can only nominate one haulier per forward.

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I am the nominated haulier for my container but I am not able to select another haulier to nominate them.

If your haulier is not known in HCN, you cannot select them to nominate them for the Inland operator role. The haulier must first register with Portbase and then choose (one of) the services HCN Road, Rail or Barge. This is how you step into the Portbase Secure Chain.

Should this block further processing of the current container, you have two options:

  • Use another haulier that is known to Portbase, or
  • the PIN code will be shared with your customer by the shipping company in the usual way.

Important! At most terminals, prenotification by your haulier is mandatory. In time, the option of collecting a container with a PIN code will be withdrawn due to its susceptibility to fraud.

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Do I also need to give the other nominated haulier a transport order for this shipment?

Yes; in this phase, the Portbase Secure Chain is only concerned with collecting containers without a PIN code. Other information required for transport must be shared with the haulier outside the PCS. When downloading container information, you can see what information is available within the PCS and HCN.

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Revoking a commercial release

How can I revoke the nomination for a container?

The party that made the nomination can also revoke the nomination. They can do so for one or more containers. To do this, click on the selection box(es) for the appropriate container(s) and click the Cancel shipment button. The nomination has now been revoked for the selected container(s) and there is no longer an active haulier. You can now nominate another haulier.

Important! If you revoke the nomination of a subcontractor, it is important to revoke the transport order first to avoid unnecessary charges.

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I see that I am no longer the nominated haulier for a container; how is this possible?

Your customer has revoked your nomination and chosen another haulier for the container(s). You can tell that this is the case because the container is visible in the Handlings dashboard but is no longer visible in Shipments.

If a transport order exists in your own TMS but there is no registration in the PCS, it is no longer valid.

The customer should always inform the haulier of the cancellation or removal of a container in order to avoid a cargo mismatch, because the haulier may have already initiated transport to collect the container.

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I see that the validity of the commercial release has expired, now what?

Contact the carrier, or your client, for a new commercial release or renewal. The client can also see in his own overview that the commercial release is no longer active or has been given a red status.

Your chain may have already been fully prepared, and this chain is still active at this point. Only without the commercial release your inland operator cannot remove the container. If the carrier resend the commercial exemption, this automatically restores your already prepared chain and your inland operator can submit the pre-notification.

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I have been nominated as the haulier and I can see the container under the Shipments tab and under Handling. What should I do?

All containers are listed under the Handlings tab. Under the Shipments tab, you see only the containers assigned to you via the Portbase Secure Chain by means of nomination. What you do next depends on your situation:

  • If you are performing the prenotification and transport of the container(s) yourself, or outsourcing transport, there is no change to your current workflow. If another party is performing the transport for you, please read the instructions for ECT Remote Check-in.
  • New! If you outsource both the prenotification and collection of the container(s), an additional step will be added to your workflow. You need to nominate and register another haulier for your container(s) in the Shipments dashboard, under Shipments, by clicking the Forward button.

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I am the nominated haulier and I want to register a subcontractor for the prenotification and collection of the container(s). What should I do?

You now have two options, depending on your situation:

  1. If you perform the prenotification yourself and outsource the collection of the container, you can arrange this via Handlings. There is no change to your current workflow. If another party is performing the transport for you, please read the instructions for ECT Remote Check-in.
  2. If you wish to nominate another haulier for both prenotification and collection of the container, please arrange this via Shipments. You need to nominate and register another haulier for your container(s) in the Shipments dashboard, under Shipments, by clicking the Forward button.

By means of these actions, your haulier is added to the Portbase Secure Chain and all CargoCards linked to this organisation will be recognised. Failure to do this will result in the haulier being denied access to the terminal. If the commercial release has been issued, you can submit the prenotification.

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I am the nominated haulier, but no commercial release is available in the status request yet. Why is that?

This means that the commercial release has not yet been issued. The status of a container can be requested even if the commercial release has not been issued yet.

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My prenotification has been accepted but circumstances prevent me from picking up the container myself. Can someone else take over my prenotification?

Yes, they can. Depending on the terminal, you will need to update the prenotification or cancel it completely and resubmit it. When updating or cancelling, you can nominate the appropriate haulier for prenotification and transport.

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Which shipping companies are registered in HCN Road?

For a list of all shipping companies that are registered in the service HCN Road, including the SCAC and SMDG codes, click on the icon of the small figure at the top right of the dashboard. Then click on 'Reference data'. A new page now opens; you can download the list of shipping companies by clicking on 'Shipping companies'.

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What has ECT communicated about the Export Customs document?

As of April 17 2023, ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminals require an export document before the arrival of a container at the terminal. More information about this change at ECT Terminals can be found by clicking on this link.

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Having trouble capturing screenshots with the mouse-over popups or so called tool tips showing?

Use the free tool Gadwin Printscreen.

It is also possible to directly e-mail statuses of selected handlings to an e-mail address.

View the Quick Start Guide under the ‘E-mail Notifications’ tab to see how this works.

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As a participant of Nextlogic, where can I find all information about the pilot?

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How do I log in to the Nextlogic platform?

Log in via this link.

No login details yet? Request this via your own (operational) manager.

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As a participant, what do I take into account for the correct functioning of the integrated planning of Nextlogic?

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What happens if I deviate from the sailing plan proposed in the integral planning?

The moment you deviate from the proposed sailing route, Nextlogic will consider the terminals you have skipped as completed. The barge operator must then re-enter these skipped call(s) in the rotation and Nextlogic will have to plan the calls again. This automatically results in delays, a less favourable planning and more work for the barge operator. To ensure a reliable integrated planning, it is therefore crucial that you always adhere to the sailing plan listed on the web screen as a skipper.

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Where can I find more information about Nextlogic and the collaboration between Portbase and Nextlogic?

With whom do I conclude the contract for the use of the integrated planning?

Each participant has an agreement with Portbase for Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge and a contract with Nextlogic for the integrated planning. Portbase and Nextlogic also have a contract between themselves which sets out the service agreements. An important part of this is that ownership of the supplied data remains with the participants themselves at all times.

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Which terminals and depots are participating?

Nextlogic and Portbase are working together to properly connect the terminal operators and depot operators that are currently already participating in Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge and in Nextlogic in the new situation. See here which terminals are connected to the Portbase service HCN Barge. See here which parties have registered for the 1st pilot of Nextlogic (only available in Dutch).

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Will I be able to do everything via my own system or do I also have to use web screens?

If you have API connections, then you will only have to make use of web screens in special cases. When you initially temporarily connect via EDI, you must use the web screens for providing additional information for each inland barge call. The aim is for every barge operator to switch to the HCN Barge API connection as soon as possible.

In the case of APIs, you use the web screens for:

  • requesting fixed windows details;
  • requesting rotation and call details, such as Planned Time Scope in, ATAT and ATDT;
  • viewing/entering call details, such as viewing the status of an agreement or manually finalising a loading/unloading list;
    input of master data;
  • requesting location details and locations with available capacity;
  • requesting list of hazardous substances (UN numbers);
  • entering (incidental) (un)available ship information.

In the case of EDI, you perform the following supplementary to the planning:

  • entering call details such as number of containers, size of containers;
  • linking containers to call;
  • entering rotation data, such as TEU on board and scope in/out location.

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Who do I contact as a barge operator in the case of a disruption, for example regarding the exchange of container information or the integrated planning?

To report malfunctions in the pre-notification and the integrated planning, please contact our Customer Service at +31 88 625 25 25 or Customer Service.

Outside office hours you can call the emergency number at +31 6 518 844 56. More information about our Customer Service can be found here.

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Can I also connect directly to Nextlogic?

No; all parties first connect with HCN Barge in order to subsequently use the integrated planning of Nextlogic. The front runners that are now connected to the Nextlogic data platform will also be transferred to HCN Barge in time.

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How can I use the integrated planning of Nextlogic?

Step 1 is for you to start working with the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge via APIs as soon as possible. Check out the API specifications HCN Barge here. Are you not yet using Portbase? Then first register for the service HCN Barge. At the same time, register as a participant with Nextlogic. Via HCN Barge, you will then be able to make full use of the integrated planning

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As a barge operator, how can I use the integrated planning of Nextlogic?

Step 1 is for you to start working with the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge via APIs as soon as possible. If you have not yet made this switch, then please immediately contact your software supplier. The sooner you switch to APIs, the sooner you will be able to reap the full benefits of HCN Barge. Until that time, an EDI converter offers you a temporary solution.

Not yet a participant in HCN Barge? Request the service here. At the same time, you must also register as a participant with Nextlogic. Via HCN Barge, you will then be able to make full use of the integrated planning.

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How can I train my current and future new employees in the use of HCN Barge and the integrated planning?

For MCA Barge, instructional videos, a quick-start guide and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Portbase support page. To prepare you for the integrated planning, Nextlogic has developed a special e-learning course with a large number of different modules for barge operators. To access this, you will need a voucher which can be requested from Nextlogic.

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Loading/Unloading list

How does the Loading / unloading list differ per terminal?

*Hours prior to PTA (Planned time of arrival of Barge)


Introduction Load/ Discharge ListCut off time*Minimum Call SizeWhen are pre-notifications sent to terminalWhen are red pre-notifications rejected
HPDII1 February 20214 hours
(1 hour for bringing empties only)
n.a.DirectlyAuto-rejected upon cut-off
APMII9 November 20202 Hoursn.a.Directly<1 Hour after cut off, manually by terminal
ECT Delta DDE16 March 20218 Hours15 ContainersAt Cut-off time or directly with button 'Send load/discharge list'. Only green pre-notifications are sent to the terminal.Auto-rejected upon cut-off
ECT Delta DDN16 March 20218 Hours10 ContainersAt Cut-off time or directly with button 'Send load/discharge list'. Only green pre-notifications are sent to the terminal.Auto-rejected upon cut-off
ECT Delta Euromax16 March 20218 Hours10 ContainersAt Cut-off time or directly with button 'Send load/discharge list'. Only green pre-notifications are sent to the terminal.Auto-rejected upon cut-off
RWG3 November 20202 Hours15 ContainersDirectly<1 Hour after cut off, manually by terminal

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What are the different statuses of the Load/Discharge List?

The Load/Discharge List has four statuses with a corresponding version of the icon.


Open before cut-off
Closed after cut-off moment
Reopened in consultation with terminal
Earlier submission (ECT only)
Unloading/loading list not sent at Cut-off

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How do I send my Load/Discharge List to ECT Delta/Euromax before the cargo cut-off?

Early submission of the Load/Discharge List only applies to the ECT Delta and Euromax terminals.

Green prenotifications are automatically sent to these terminals when the Load/Discharge List is closed (at ECT this is 8 hours before the start of the barge slot) or manually and prematurely at the cut-off.) This is done using the 'Send Load/Discharge List’ button, which you can find under the 'Visit’ tab.

By clicking the 'Send Load/Discharge List' button, the green prenotifications are forwarded to ECT Delta/Euromax.

NOTE: The Load/Discharge List must comply with the minimum call size set by ECT.

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What has terminal ECT communicated about the Loading / unloading functionality?

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Who can re-close the Load/Discharge List?

This can only be done by the barge operator, by clicking the "Finalize Load-Discharge list” button.

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Who can reopen the Load/Discharge List?

This can only be done by the data departments of the various terminals.

Please contact them directly.

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Which terminals work with the load/discharge list functionality?




ECT Delta
RST Noord & Zuid

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Why is there a cut-off time for a barge load-discharge list?

The introduction of the automatic cut-off, which creates a final load-discharge list, is necessary for Nextlogic’s integrated planning. Based on the data in the final load-discharge lists, Nextlogic can further optimise the integrated planning for Nextlogic participants.

To ensure a straightforward working method, the same principle has been applied to manual planning.

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What does the cut-off for the load-discharge list involve?

All the prenotifications submitted for a barge visit together make up the load-discharge list. The load-discharge list is automatically closed at the terminal a few hours before the barge arrives. This is the so-called cut-off time. After this, the load-discharge list status is final and no further changes are possible.

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What are the cut-off times?

Different times may apply per terminal and for loading empty containers, loading full containers, unloading empty containers and unloading full containers. For barges with a mixed cargo, the earliest cut-off time determines when the entire load-discharge list is closed for the visit.

Cut-off time in uren

TerminalsCut-off time generalCut-off time discharging empty
ECT Euromax8
ECT Delta8

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How can you tell when the cut-off has passed and the load-discharge list is final?

During a scheduled visit, a green dot with a white check mark is shown.

When an additional ‘padlock’ icon is shown, the load-discharge list has been finalised.

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Are all green and red prenotifications shown in the final load-discharge list?

No, only those prenotifications that are in order (or ‘green’) will be included in the final load-discharge list. The result is a load-discharge list containing only 'green' prenotifications.

All prenotifications found not be in order (‘red’ prenotifications) are rejected in MCA Barge.

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Where can I see the rejected prenotifications?

After the cut-off, the ‘red’ prenotifications are automatically rejected in MCA Barge. These remain visible to the barge operator under the handlings of the visit in question and are marked ‘rejected’.

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Can ‘green’ prenotifications on a final load-discharge list still turn ‘red’?

Yes, that can happen. For example, if a customs inspection or embargo is announced after the cut-off time. The prenotification will remain on the final load-discharge list for the time being; the container will not be loaded or unloaded by the terminal.

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How can I make a change after the cut-off?

If changes are required to a final load-discharge list (after the cut-off), this can only be done by contacting the terminal directly. The terminal operator can then reopen the load-discharge list in MCA Barge. After this, the barge operator makes the changes and must then again close the load-discharge list in MCA Barge itself. As soon as all changes have been made, the barge operator closes the load-discharge list by clicking on the "Finalize Load-Discharge list” button.

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How do I proceed if I notice that my vessel will be unable to meet the slot time at ECT as specified in HCN Barge?

As a barge operator, we expect you to adjust the ETA in HCN Barge in accordance with the expected delay in these kinds of situations.

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Once my vessel has been scheduled at ECT in HCN Barge, how can I still benefit from any capacity becoming available sooner?

If you want to take advantage of any capacity that becomes available at ECT sooner as a barge operator, you must specify the earliest time that your barge can be at the terminal via the ETA in HCN Barge. ECT takes these specified ETAs into account when replanning.

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Fixed Window

What is a BTM call (visit)?

Barge Transferium Maasvlakte (BTM) is a collaboration between Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam (ECT) and a consortium of inland terminals and barge operators.

As part of this collaboration, ECT makes a section of quay with a crane and crane team available to the consortium on set days and times at a fixed rate.

The barge operators themselves are responsible for the planning and in mutual consultation, the participating parties determine when and how often they want to moor alongside the quay.

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How can I add my fixed window to HCN Barge?

The terminal with which you have arranged the fixed window will record this agreement in HCN Barge.

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How do I select a fixed window in HCN Barge?

First of all, you must have a fixed window agreement with one or more terminals.

Furthermore, the terminal must have added the fixed window to the service HCN Barge.

Is this the case for both? Then you are able to select your fixed window in the ‘Fixed window’ field when creating a barge visit.

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Process progress

Why does it sometimes take so long before I get a response to my prenotification(s) from a terminal?

The speed with which status requests and prenotifications are answered depends on several factors. The sending and processing of status requests and prenotifications involve a series of actions by different parties. Things can sometimes go wrong at various points in that chain. The aim is to keep problems to a minimum.

Port Community System (PCS)

Most prenotifications and status requests from carriers/operators are processed via the Portbase platform and sent to the terminal within seconds.

Nevertheless, sometimes malfunctions do occur, or there may be maintenance to the services. In that case, Portbase will get to work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. At status.portbase.com you can see the status of the various Portbase services. On that page, you can also subscribe to notifications so that you are always kept up to date. It is reassuring to know that the Portbase (PCS) system has an uptime of 99.8%.

Terminal Operating Systems (TOS)

Most terminals use an EDI connection. After EDI messages are received from Portbase, they must be read out and processed in the terminal system, and finally, a response message needs to be returned to Portbase. Delays may occur in all these steps – especially when demands on processing capacity are at their highest, for example on Friday afternoons. At peak times like this, large volumes of EDI messages are sent and delays can occur.

API links are the future and may represent an improvement in this regard. The first terminals are now working with API links.

Terminals can also unexpectedly run into malfunctions or require maintenance of their systems. In such cases, terminals will work to solve the issue as quickly as possible and will inform their customers and users themselves.

Transport Management Systems (TMS)

Hauliers can make use of a system link between their planning system (TMS) and the Portbase (PCS) system; delays or malfunctions can also occur in these systems.

Ask your software vendor about the options for working with API.

As we have seen, delays can occur at different times and in different steps in the process. Please contact the Portbase Service Desk if you have reason to believe you are experiencing an unusually long delay during prenotification. You can do so by calling +31 (0)88 625 25 25 or by emailing our Customer Service.

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Can I still add my container to the Barge when the status is in operation?

Unfortunately it is no longer possible to add containers when the barge is under the crane / status in operation.

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Why doesn’t the visit status change to “in operation” at the right time?

It is possible for the status of a visit to change to “in operation” well after the loading/discharging activities of that visit have begun or ended. The underlying signal for the status change in HCN Barge is the first gate-in/gate-out notification the terminal sends to Portbase for the barge visit in question. When the gate-in/gate-out confirmation is sent or processed at a later time, it gives a skewed impression of the actual operation's progress.

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Why does my barge visit still show the status “in operation”?

The terminal confirms each visit as “completed” once handling has been finished. The terminal operator must do this. If the terminal has not (yet) confirmed completion, the visit will continue to display the status “in operation”. For the time being, this does not present a problem. When we begin supporting integral planning by Nextlogic, however, this issue will become important.

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If I delete a prenotification of the visit in my own planning system, what happens?

MCA Barge sends a cancellation of the prenotification to the terminal. A status request is then sent to the terminal. It can be found as a separate status request in the web screen under the Handlings -> "Detached handlings" tab.

If you link the prenotification to another visit, MCA Barge will send a cancellation of the prenotification to the terminal. A new prenotification will then be sent to the terminal of the new visit. It will be available under "Handlings" of the new visit.

You will continue to receive updates on the handling status if the terminal supports them. Click here to visit the functionality overview.

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Making changes

If a terminal does not support editing of prenotifications, what can I do in our own planning system?

You can cancel the prenotification and make your changes in the same prenotification. You then resend the prenotification.

Please note: every prenotification is given a unique label within HCN by which Portbase recognises the transaction. You can change, cancel and resubmit this prenotification with a unique label at any time. As long as you continue to use the same original prenotification, you pay for only one transaction.

View the Functionality Matrix to see whether the terminal supports a modification message.

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