Introduction to the Hinterland Container Notification Barge Quick Start Guide
In this Quick Start Guide, we will explain to you in a few short steps how to use the service Hinterland Container Notification Barge.
For whom is this service intended?
This service allows you to prenotify barge visits and containers to sea terminals and depots via a single portal. Here, you will have around-the-clock, real-time insight into your rotations and terminal visits.
The service Hinterland Container Notification Barge is intended for the following target groups:
You can open Hinterland Container Notification as follows:
Are you not yet able to access to this service? The colleague that has been designated as Portbase key user for your organisation can grant you the necessary authorisation.
Five different icons are used to indicate the status of a visit:
If a visit has been rejected, you can always adjust the details and resubmit it to the terminal.
Every change that a terminal makes to a visit will immediately be displayed in the overview screen, indicated by a blue dot.
Open the terminal visit and view the changes in the fields marked with this dot.
To accept the change or mark it as having been read, click on ‘Acknowledge update’. The blue dot will disappear.
Click here to read what the blue orb means in the rotation overview.
There are multiple ways to enter your containers via the HCN web screens:
Via the ‘Handlings’ dashboard
Do you not yet know the Call ID? In that case, you can only submit a status request here.
Do you have a Call ID? In that case, you can submit both status requests and prenotifications.
Via the ‘Rotations’ dashboard
You can use the ‘Handlings’ and ‘Rotations’ dashboard to attach or detach the container or to switch it to another Call ID.
Attaching and switching
You can use the Shipments feature to see which containers have been assigned to you by way of nomination for pre-notification and collection. You can also nominate another haulier for pre-notification and collection of the container. This is a new way of working to share data securely, also known as the Secure Chain.
On the MCA Road service page, go to the Shipments tab. This is where you will see an overview of all containers which you have been nominated for via the Secure Chain and which may require further action.
Under the Arrivals tab, you will see the containers listed per seagoing vessel.
Under the Shipments tab, you will see the containers grouped per commissioning party or freight manager.
By using the filter located above the containers, you can quickly find your container(s).
Please note: Make sure the date range is set to the ETA of the seagoing vessel.
There are a number of actions you can take at container level.
Select one or more containers and at the bottom of the screen, you will see three buttons with actions:
You have now outsourced the pre-notification and transport of the container to another haulier. The selected haulier can now be seen in the container details. The container will remain visible to you and you can continue to track the container status, scheduled and actual pick-up times. Only your own status request and/or pre-notification is cancelled at the time of the handover.
Do you want to cancel the nomination you have made for one or more containers?
Use the Download button to download an Excel file with the data of the selected containers for your own TMS.
Cargo cut-off time
A few hours before the planned visit to the terminal, the terminal operates a ‘Cargo cut-off’. This means:
You can recognise a final load-discharge list by the padlock icon or different versions of the Load discharge list icon with the 9 squares.
This procedure gives the terminal enough preparation time before the barge arrives for loading or discharging. The number of hours varies per terminal. The times are shown here.
Reopening a load-discharge list
Do you still need to make a change? In some cases this is possible.
Click on the History tab under rotation to see all updates from terminals, yourself and others during this rotation.
That way you can always see what has changed in the interim.
Hover your mouse over an update and click on the pop-up icon to view your rotation at that moment in time.
Click ‘Report issue’ to directly inform our Customer Service about your problem in working with MCA Barge.
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