Quick Start Guide
End User
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IAMconnected is a Portbase service that allows the Dutch port logistics community to conveniently and efficiently perform access management tasks.
In our capacity as Community Identity Provider, we provide persons and organisations within the Dutch port with the infrastructure to create and manage reliable identities that are trusted by affiliated service providers, including the Port of Rotterdam Authority and Portbase itself.
This page contains everything you need to know about registering and managing IAMconnected accounts for users.
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(End) Users can request an IAMconnected account and request to link it to an organization. They can also submit a request to change their data.
How do I create an account?
Fill in the registration form at www.iamconnected.eu/register. After completing the form, you will receive an email with a link to confirm your registration.
This link is valid for 7 days.
How do I change my account?
You can change your account via ‘My Profile’. When changing the email address, your email address is first validated. Afterwards, your top-level administrator must give permission.
How do I change my password?
You can change your password via ‘my profile’. Enter the current password here and enter the new password you want to use twice.
How do I request a role within an organisation?
Your request has now been sent to your organisation’s administrator(s). The administrator must approve this request before you can use the role.
What should I do if I have forgotten my login details?
You can change your password by clicking on “Need help signing in? Click here” on the IAMconnected login screen. After entering your username, you will receive a link by e-mail with which you can set a new password.
You can find your username in the IAMconnected activation e-mail. If you can’t find it (anymore), please contact your user administrator or main administrator of your organization.
As the main administrator, have you lost or forgotten your login details? Please contact our Customer Service.
How do I deactivate and delete my account?
You can deactivate it via ‘my profile’. At the bottom left you will find the button to deactivate your account.
The Main Administrator can do the same as a User Administrator, but can also turn on periodic validation and MFA at the level of the organisation and request changes to their organisation’s business information. There is one Main Administrator per organisation.
How can I change my Main Administrator?
To do so, use the form at Change details – Portbase
How can I register a new organisation as (proposed) Main Administrator?
This can be achieved in two ways. If you are not yet linked to an organisation, a pop-up screen will appear when logging in with the option to register an organisation.
If you are already linked to an organisation, you can register an additional organisation through the tab ‘organisation management’>’Register new organisation’.
How do I validate my organization data?
Validation is done by the authorized signatory at the request of the main manager. He/she requests this via the tab ‘organization management’ – ‘my organisations’ – [choose organisation]. The screen consists of different parts that can be adjusted by means of the pen’s icon.
If a new authorized signer is selected, he will first have to identify himself via the “remote identification” process.
The authorized signatory will receive an email with an overview of the original and changed organizational data. The email also contains an activation code that must be passed on to the Main Administrator if approved. The Main Administrator can enter the activation code with the open request under “Open request”.
This functionality is not yet active.
How do I give users access to a service?
As the Main Administrator of a service, it is possible to hide/show service to a specific organization. You can navigate to a service via Service Manager. On the service page, you will see the Access Control tab. On this page you have an overview of organizations that have access to your service. You can also grant and deny organizations access to your service on this page.
How do I handle a pairing request?
Open link requests can be found via ‘user management’ > Pending. Click on a pairing request to expand it. Check the (business) data entered by the user. Three options are shown: Accept, Decline and End date.
When accepting, the end date can also be entered for the linked employee, e.g. has a temporary contract. The user will be automatically disconnected on this date and will receive a warning email 7 days prior to termination.
All accepted users can be found under the employees’ tab.
How do I handle a request to change business information?
The request can be found via ‘User management’ > tab ‘Change requests. Each request can be clicked open to see more information. Here you can accept or decline the request.
How do I (temporarily) unlink a user?
Find the relevant employee via ‘user management’ > Employees. Open the employee you want to unlink from the organization and select the option ‘suspend user’ to temporarily unlink him. The employee is currently no longer able to perform work for the organization.
When you are sure that the employee should be removed, navigate to the ‘Suspended’ tab. Open the employee again. Use “unlink user” to completely unlink the employee. You can reactivate the temporarily disconnected user via “recovery”.
How do I look up a username?
You can find the username under ‘user management’ with the relevant user.
As your company’s Authorised Signatory, you are ultimately responsible for the proper registration of your organisation and your users within IAMconnected. The authorised signatory can also be the top-level administrator.
What is my role within IAMconnected?
As the authorized signatory of your company, you are ultimately responsible for the correct registration of both your organization and your users within IAMconnected. The main administrator manages and validates this data. It is therefore important that an active main administrator is known in IAMconnected. The person authorized to sign can also be the main administrator himself.
As a User Administrator, you can manage the users of your organisation.
How do I handle a pairing request?
Open link requests can be found via ‘user management’ > Pending. Click on a pairing request to expand it. Check the (business) data entered by the user. Three options are shown: Accept, Decline and End date.
When accepting, the end date can also be entered for the linked employee, e.g. has a temporary contract. The user will be automatically disconnected on this date and will receive a warning email 7 days prior to termination.
All accepted users can be found under the employees’ tab.
How do I handle a request to change business information?
The request can be found via ‘User management’ > tab ‘Change requests. Each request can be clicked open to see more information. Here you can accept or decline the request.
How do I (temporarily) unlink a user?
Find the relevant employee via ‘user management’ > Employees. Open the employee you want to unlink from the organization and select the option ‘suspend user’ to temporarily unlink him. The employee is currently no longer able to perform work for the organization.
When you are sure that the employee should be removed, navigate to the ‘Suspended’ tab. Open the employee again. Use “unlink user” to completely unlink the employee. You can reactivate the temporarily disconnected user via “recovery”.
How do I look up a username?
You can find the username under ‘user management’ with the relevant user.
As a Data Administrator (Data Manager), you can view and edit the data authorisations for your organisation in MyData.
As a Service Administrator (Service Manager) for a Service Provider, you can manage the services that IAMconnected is used to log into.
How do I give users access to a service?
As the main administrator of a service, it is possible to hide/show a service to a specific organization. You can navigate to a service via Service Manager. On the service page, you will see the Access Control tab. On this page, you have an overview of organizations that have access to your service. You can also grant and deny organizations access to your service on this page.
IAMconnected provides access to the services shown below. In order to use a service, it needs to be requested by your organisation.
You can find more information for each service below, as well as how to request the service.
Want to know if your organisation already has a service? Ask your main administrator.
Portbase - Port Community System (PCS)
Description of Service: Portbase’s Port Community System (PCS) is your gateway to the smart, digital port, where companies, organisations and governments exchange logistics data via the PCS.
Log in to Service: via IAMconnected
Availability & malfunctions:
Information & Documentation: Portbase Support
Questions & Support: Portbase Support
Requesting service(s): Portbase Services
PoR - MyPort
Description of Service: My Port; the online portal that allows shipping customers to do business faster and smarter 24/7 by submitting applications digitally to the Harbour Master’s Division of the Port of Rotterdam Authority.
Log in to Service: My Port | Port of Rotterdam
Information & Documentation: Contact harbour master | Port of Rotterdam
Questions & Support:
Requesting service(s): Contact harbour master | Port of Rotterdam
PoR - King
Description of Service: King; book a buoy or pole berth in the Port of Rotterdam directly online with the port authority
Log in to Service: King – Buoys and Dolphins | Port of Rotterdam
Information & Documentation: Buoys and poles | Port of Rotterdam
Questions & Support: King 3.0 | Port of Rotterdam
Requesting service(s): King 3.0 | Port of Rotterdam
What to bear in mind when authorising users: To use this service, a user in IAMconnected must have the role ‘Operator / Shipping clerk’.
PoR - Portability
Description of Service: Portabillity, the service for submitting harbour dues to the Port of Rotterdam.
Log in to Service: PortAbillity | Port of Rotterdam
Information & Documentation: Harbour dues | Port of Rotterdam
Questions & Support:
Requesting service(s): Harbour dues | Port of Rotterdam
IAMC instruction pdf can be requested from Port of Rotterdam Authority.
ECT - MyTerminal
Description of Service: MyTerminal is an ECT online platform containing operational information.
This information is real-time and allows you to optimise your container logistics. Shippers, logistics service providers and barge operators can track and trace import and export containers through the ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminals. The platform also monitors the schedules of various objects – deepsea vessels, feeders, barges and trains – visiting the terminals.
Log in to Service: IAMconnected
Information & Documentation: MyTerminal| ECT
Questions & Support:
Requesting service(s): MyTerminal | ECT
Loodswezen - GIDS
Description of Service: The system, used by Rotterdam’s nautical service providers in collaboration, provides insight into all nautical information surrounding a ship’s arrival and departure. This allows us, as nautical service providers, to optimise the deployment of our capacity. Moreover, we make the planning and deployment of our services transparent.
Log in to Service: via IAMconnected
Information & Documentation: gids@loodswezen.nl
Questions & Support:
– Email: gids@loodswezen.nl
– Phone: 088-9003000 (office hours) of 088-9003117 (Service manager – outside of office hours)
Requesting service: gids@loodswezen.nl
Safe connections are very important to Portbase. More in the project ‘safely connecting to Portbase’.
What does ‘safely connecting to Portbase’ mean?
It means that we are modernising system connections by introducing a connections portal. Through verified access you will be in control of your system connections and changes in a controlled and secure way.
When will this commence?
Mid-November 2024. In the meantime however, it is good to prepare by giving the right people access to the system connections portal. Of course, we will soon give you sufficient time to migrate your link to Portbase when the time comes.
What should I do when the time comes?
You will have to make two changes to your system connection link with Portbase: a new endpoint and a new way of authenticating (SSH key pair).
We also have other connection links to Portbase, such as e-mail or AS2. Do these also need to be adapted?
Yes, in time AS2 links will also have to be adapted, this will happen in phase 2. Now, in phase 1, the focus is on sFTP. E-mail does not need any adjustments now, your configured e-mail addresses will also be available in this system connections portal. However, in time, the ‘from:’ address will change from ‘@portinfolink.com’ to ‘@portbase.com’.
Does this also apply to our API links with Portbase
No, this project only covers sFTP (client and server), AS2 and e-mail connections.
How do I stay informed?
You will receive updates via the system connections portal and your IAMconnected registered e-mail address.
Our link(s) are managed by another organisation. How does it work then?
Do you own an sFTP connection but it is managed by an external organisation? Then you will soon be able to authorise this organisation in the portal to manage your connection(s). It is no longer necessary for employees of this organisation to connect to your organisation via IAMconnected.
We do not have system links with Portbase. Why do I see this portal?
System connection links is a standard service, like user management, and is therefore visible to main- and user administrators.
I tried my best, but I do not know who is responsible for our connection(s.
Please contact integration@portbase.com so that we can check if we can help based on historical information.
What if I do nothing?
If you don’t migrate, eventually the connection will stop working. Of course, we will give you suffient time to migrate.
I don’t have my own connection to Portbase but work with software from supplier X. Do I have to do anything?
If you do not have your own connection to Portbase, you do not have to do anything. Your software supplier will carry out this migration for their own systems.
I am a software supplier. What do I need to do?
First make sure you have an IAMconnected organisation account. With this account, you can later log in to the system connections portal to migrate your own connection(s). Ensure that your employees responsible for the migration are given access via PCS user management to the system connections portal. These employees will receive updates on this project via email and the portal.
If you manage connections to Portbase for your clients, then your staff should connect to these organisation(s) via IAMconnected and access the system connections portal. Then they can migrate and manage these connections for your clients in the future.
Can I test this migration later on a non-production environment first?
Certainly. With an account on our customer test environment (KT), you will be able to test the migration steps soon. Please contact our integration specialists for this (integration@portbase.com).
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