Users can create their own IAMconnected accounts and submit link requests to your organisation. As an administrator, you can approve (or reject) requests in IAMconnected in the tab User Management > In Progress.
If your organisation is also registered in PCS, the approved user is now created in PCS and you can assign services under Organisation Management.
Users can reset their MFA themselves if they have a new phone or security key, for example. An MFA reset by the administrator is required if the user no longer has access to their old phone or security key.
Users can change their own personal details. Some changes require your approval as the administrator. You will receive an e-mail informing you that a change request is awaiting your approval. Change requests are handled as follows:
Employees who no longer need access can be temporarily suspended and then permanently deleted:
If your organisation is also registered in the PCS, the user will still be visible in the PCS. However, they will no longer be able to use the PCS.
It is also possible to suspend an employee from a date in the future (for example, the end of the month):
After suspending employees who no longer need access, you can permanently delete them:
If your organisation is also registered in PCS, the user is now also permanently deleted from the PCS.
You can restore access to employees who have been (temporarily) suspended:
If your organisation is also registered in the PCS, the user can now log in to the PCS again and make use of the previously assigned services.
You can give one or more employees privileges to manage users.
This is useful if you are temporarily unavailable due to vacation or illness. You can also assign a user administrator for each department or location, to manage the users of their department/location. Do consider the need for timely deletion of users and performance of quarterly checks.
In IAMconnected, a user can request specific roles that give them privileges in other (non-PCS) connected applications:
As an administrator, you can arrange authorisations in PCS itself. Log into the PCS
Adding services per user is done this way:
Please note that a name may only be moved from left to right and saved in existing user groups. Do not create user groups, change names, turn on/off checkboxes or use the drop-down menu in a user group. This is because these are all settings that can render a service unusable if changed.
See the Quick Start Guide “Quarterly Checks” (in development)
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