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Frequently Asked Questions


Rejection: Authorised location

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++Authorisation details invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++12+HEA.Authorised Location of Goods,Code

In the tab "Authorised location”, you must enter the house number and postal code of the authorised consignee or authorised consignor. If other data is entered here, the notification is rejected with the above error code.

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Rejection: HEA.Customs sub place

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++The IE015 message received was invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++12+HEA.Customs sub place”

The postal code entered in the “Customs sub place” field is invalid. You can see which presentation locations are available on the Customs website:

You need to change the postal code. If the declaration constitutes a normal procedure, code NL000511 must be entered. If the declaration entails a simplified procedure, code NL000510 must be entered.

By clicking on “Re-use declaration”, you can amend the data. This is located at the bottom right of the declaration.

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Rejection: 12+CE1.TIN

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++The IE015 message received was invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++12+CE1.TIN”

The “TIN” number you used has not been correctly submitted. Please delete/adjust this data to have the declaration accepted.

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Rejection: GDS(2).Item number:::R007

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++The IE015 message received was invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++15+GDS(2).Item number:::R007”

The error message indicates the error "article of the declaration in box 32"; this has not been listed in a consecutive manner. Probably, a manually entered, the incorrect number has been listed whilst entering multiple articles.

To solve this, go to "View Items" in the transit declaration and check whether the sequence number is sequential. If not, delete it manually and re-declare the goods item. The sequence number is changed automatically.

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Rejection: PC1.TIN

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++Authorisation details invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++12+PC1.TIN”

A valid EORI number has not been used in the addresses tab in the declaration under "TIN". This is a licence for authorised consignees.

You need to apply for the licence or you must use a valid EORI number that does have a licence. The field is not mandatory, you can leave it blank.

When a customer uses new licences, it may be the case that Customs in Heerlen has forgotten to link the authorised locations to the licences. This also causes this error message. The customer needs to contact Customs in this situation.

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Rejection: Simplified procedure

Your T1 declaration has been rejected with the message:

  • FTX+ACD+++Authorisation details invalid”
  • FTX+AAO++12+PC1.TIN”

The simplified procedure is selected in the declaration. In addition to the licence for electronic transit declaration, you must also have a licence for the authorised consignors and the authorised consignee. Otherwise, you should not use the simplified procedure.

A new T1 can be generated for this and a licence must be applied for in the future.

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