This procedure is generic.
Portbase’s Port Community System or the Arrival Notifciation service is not available, as a result the ‘Arrival at Exit’ cannot be reported to Customs. Any control notification from Customs will therefore not be sent either.
Information about disruptions can be found at If the disruption is not listed, you can contact our Customer Service department.
What to do during a malfunction?
Portbase advises you to wait until the system is operational again. If waiting is not an option because the ship is about to depart, you should coordinate with Customs/Rotterdam whether the emergency procedure may be used.
Exit Customs/Rotterdam Haven/Maasvlakte: (088) 153 48 50
If agreed, send an email to with the MRN/LRN or EORI number, time the cargo arrived and the location of the goods. Customs can manually report the arrival.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
Portbase will process the messages that have not yet been processed once the malfunction has been resolved. If you have questions regarding the processing of your pre-notification, please contact our Customer Service department.
The Customs system is unavailable, as a result no export declaration can be made and/or it is not possible to register the arrival at Customs. Any control notification from Customs will therefore not be sent either.
A disruption in the customs system will be reported via a service message at:
What to do during the malfunction?
In the event of a disruption, Customs may activate the emergency procedure. The applicable customs emergency procedure depends on the country where the declaration is made.
Emergency procedure Netherlands
Emergency procedure Germany
Emergency procedure Belgium
Prepare the documentation related to the emergency procedure. If the emergency procedure is active, you can follow the steps below.
Emergency Procedure for Export AGS/DMS:
Send an e-mail to with the corresponding documentation, MRN/LRN or EORI number, time the cargo arrived and the location of the goods.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
The Dutch customs system is fully automated. To ensure the smooth processing of customs procedures, it is essential that you still submit an electronic declaration after the disruption ends. Customs will issue a new document number. It is not necessary to report the arrival for this document. Nor does the document need to be reported on the manifest. However, the emergency document number will have to be stated on the manifest.
In case of a customs system disruption outside the Netherlands, you will need to check with the relevant Customs authority for post-disruption procedures.
If you have questions regarding the processing of your pre-notification, please contact our Customer Service department.
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