This procedure is generic.
What to do during a malfunction?
You are required to send a paper statement of harbour dues directly to the Amsterdam Port Authority, within four days of departure of the vessel. This can be done by letter or by e-mailing the scanned statement. The paper statement can be downloaded here.
For more information:
You are yourself responsible at all times for ensuring the statement is received by the Amsterdam Port Authority’s Financial Administration.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
You can submit your new statement of harbour dues through the PCS as usual. It is not necessary to enter and/or submit the paper statement you have sent via the PCS retroactively when the malfunction has been resolved. If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Service Desk.
What to do during a malfunction?
You are required to send a paper statement of harbour dues directly to the Amsterdam Port Authority, within four days of departure of the vessel. This can be done by letter or by e-mailing the scanned statement. The paper statement can be downloaded here.
For more information:
You are yourself responsible at all times for ensuring the statement is received by the Amsterdam Port Authority’s Financial Administration.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
You can submit your new statement of harbour dues through the PCS as usual. It is not necessary to enter and/or submit the paper statement you have sent via the PCS retroactively when the malfunction has been resolved. If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Service Desk.
What to do during the malfunction
The PCS is still available, but statements do not arrive in the harbour dues system. You can continue to submit the statement harbour dues but you will receive a confirmation of receipt later.
Havenbedrijf Amsterdam
Afdeling Financiële Administratie Team verkoop
020 – 523 4633
Havenbedrijf Amsterdam
T.a.v. afd. Verkoop
Postbus 19406
1000 GK Amsterdam
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