Glossary: terms, concepts and principles

Reliable identity

A reliable identity consists of:

  • A digital representation of a person

His/her business context and an indication of the reliability of those details

For example:

  • Jan Janssen is a truck driver with the transport firm Jan de Rijck Logistics.
  • It has recently been confirmed that this is still the case.
  • We know with a high degree of certainty that he is registered personally.
  • He identified himself by means of an ID document.

IAMconnected provides reliable identities in order to enable good access management for port logistics.

Community Identity Provider

Whereas facilities for access management are often offered at the level of the organisation, Portbase wants to make facilities available at the level of the community. In order to make this possible, we value self-service and self-cleansing.

Multifactor authentication 

You prove that you are the account holder by providing not only the password (‘what you know’), but also the one-time code that appears in your smartphone app (‘what you have’).

Personal account

A digital representation of a person: your identity

You use an IAMconnected account to register with an organisation and use the services that are available to that organisation.


It is impossible for IAMconnected to check the reliability of every individual and organisation. That is why we offer organisations the ability to easily enhance the reliability of identities for employees and the organisation itself. IAMconnected is transparent to the extent that organisations actually make use of that option.


Because there are thousands of companies and tens of thousands of employees working in and around the Dutch ports, the decision has been taken to enable self-service as far as possible without losing control.

Access control

Access control is an area of focus within the field of information security aimed at allowing only the right people the right access to company resources.

Important principles in this regard are:

  • Not giving anyone more access than they need
  • Not providing more information than is needed

In summary, it is about retaining control with regard to the questions: who is allowed to do what, when is it allowed and why?

Good access management not only ensures that restrictions are in place but, more importantly, that you are able to do your job.

Business context

Additional details relating to you as an employee of a particular organisation

Currently, the business context consists of:

  • Business e-mail address
  • Business phone number
  • Logistics roles within this organisation

Please note: Only HbR/King users can currently enter (organisation type and) logistics roles

It is up to service providers themselves to determine what level of reliability is appropriate for their services. Failure to comply with these requirements may, in extreme cases, result in exclusion from use of the service.

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