There are search filters within the screens. By entering one or more search terms, you can create a list. Search terms can be combined by means of a space. A search is performed on the words you see in the list but also on words and fields in the entire prenotification/status request, visit or rotation.
Examples: Go to the list of ‘Handlings’ or the ‘Handlings’ tab in a visit.
Desired result: list of all handlings of containers | Search terms |
being loaded | Loading |
being discharged | Discharge |
with container number ABCD6170760 | ABCD6170760 |
with booking number/clearance reference
REF6170760 |
REF6170760 |
being discharged with a rejected prenotification | rejected discharge |
that have been cancelled | Cancelled |
that are empty and have been discharged | empty discharged |
with shipping company ‘Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd’ | OOCL |
that are blocked | BLC |
for which the documents are not in order (Customs Documents Missing) | CDM |
Below is a summary of known codes which the terminal can communicate back to you via the handling status and which you can search on using the search filter.
Code | Omschrijving |
BCO | Before cargo opening |
BLA | Blocked by shipping line |
BLB | Blocked by security |
BLC | Blocked due to customs |
BLD | Blocked by fire brigade |
BLI | Blocked by inspection |
BLN | Blocked due to difference in container number between delivery order and physical container |
BLP | Blocked by police |
BLT | Blocked by terminal/Not present |
CDM | Customs documents missing |
COA | Container not available |
COK | Container OK |
COR | Container not released/Booking status |
COU | Container unknown |
CTV | Cancel Terminal Visit |
DUP | Duplicate order |
ORA | Booking already in use |
ORN | Booking number unknown/Carrier or container lessor unknown |
OTH | Other |
QQQ | Conditionally accepted |
RUB | Message has error in specified EDIland category, ie. RUB76.1 |
BOF | Booking status |
BON | Size/type |
NNG | Booking number unknown |
VES | Vessel unknown |