How can I reuse my original pre-notification?

From 1 July 2022, the price of the service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) will be:

1. Subscription

Monthly fee

2. Transaction costs

Per pre-notification of a full container

Free of charge

Status requests, updates and empty containers

This is because, within HCN, each prenotification is given a unique label that Portbase uses to identify the transaction. You can change, cancel and resubmit this prenotification with its unique label at any time without restrictions. As long as you continue to use the same original prenotification, you will only pay a single transaction fee of €0.35*.

Example: You cancel the original prenotification (unique label A) and then start a completely new second prenotification (unique label B) for the same container. There are then two unique labels and two transactions fees of €0.35. So wherever possible, use the original prenotification and avoid unnecessary costs!


  • RST does support updates to prenotifications for HCN Barge
  • ECT and Euromax do not support updates to prenotifications of HCN Road and HCN Barge

Portbase is working on a solution to enable updates to prenotifications. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary transactions. We will inform you as soon as this solution is available.

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