The template list is sorted similar to the Rotations screen: Train number – shuttle name – day of week.
Explanation of Discharge / Loading voyage number
HCN derives the week number from the first departure day of the arrival train.
Explanation for entering visiting information
The template “visit” has the option to use a timetable slot, where you can leave the ETA, ETD and number of handlings empty. HCN retrieves the valid slot times and numbers at the time of generation (step 4). These slots have been prepared for you by the terminal in HCN.
Select one or more templates and click ‘Generate rotations’
HCN creates rotations based the selected date range in the popup, compared to the ‘First departure day’ defined in the template
The ‘Create rotations’ button shows that three rotations are created. In this example, three rotations are created because 1 template train starts on Monday, 1 template stars on Friday. The selected week is from Monday 1 November until Monday 8 November.
Suppose however you selected a rotation with Train first departure day on Monday
Rotations are added to the ROTATIONS Overview screen
Pay attention: HCN does not check on unicity of rotations. Please remove duplicate rotations.
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