What if I can’t book a time slot?

Make sure the checkmark is displayed in the Secure Logistics XS-ID portal. If it is and you still can’t book a time slot, contact RWG’s Customer Service at customerservice@rwg.nl. If not: as of 06:00 am on Monday 24 April 2023, it is no longer possible to book time slots if you do not have an account with Secure Logistics and you have not agreed to the terms and conditions.

Additional Information: EAN Number

If your EAN number is not (or no longer) active, in time you will no longer be able to use the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) or the features available within this service. An active EAN number is a requirement for the service HCN. Portbase is keen to ensure that you are able to continue to use the service HCN. They therefore kindly but urgently request that you provide them with your company information and your active EAN number. You can do that by filling out the changes form. When doing so, you can check the ‘Service specific’ option. On receipt, Portbase will verify the information and then contact you to discuss the next steps with you. Once the process is complete, you can continue to use the service HCN. Click here for more information

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