Die Secure Chain


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Die Secure Chain

Verwendung von im Voraus generierten Statusanfragen in HCN und Hinzufügen der B/L-Nummer (für Freigaben aus der Secure Chain)

Sobald Sie als Transportunternehmen vom Kunden mit dem Transport eines Secure Chain-Containers beauftragt werden, wird automatisch eine Statusanfrage erstellt. Wir empfehlen, sie für die Voranmeldung am Terminal zu verwenden, so dass sie direkt mit dem entsprechenden Secure Chain-B/L verbunden ist. Dies hat auch den Vorteil, dass Sie weniger Informationen ausfüllen müssen, die Fehleranfälligkeit sinkt und Sie Zeit sparen.

Haben Sie bereits eine Statusanfrage oder eine Voranmeldung gestartet?
Wenn Sie bereits selbst eine Statusanfrage oder eine Voranmeldung erstellt haben, wird HCN automatisch versuchen, diese mit der Secure Chain zu verknüpfen. Aufgrund der Komplexität mancher Ketten ist dies jedoch nicht immer möglich. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie die B/L-Nummer in Ihrer Statusanfrage oder Voranmeldung angeben, damit diese direkt mit dem richtigen Secure Chain-B/L verknüpft wird. Dadurch werden Probleme vermieden und ist ein reibungsloser Ablauf gewährleistet.



  1. Nutzen Sie die vorausgefüllten Statusanfragen (gilt nur für Secure Chain-Container)
  2. Haben Sie selbst eine Statusanfrage oder eine Voranmeldung erstellt? Dann befolgen Sie bitte diesen dringenden Rat:
    • Geben Sie die B/L-Nummer in die Statusanfrage oder die Voranmeldung ein.
    • Ist die B/L-Nummer nicht bekannt? Sie finden die B/L-Nummer in der HCN-Shipment-Übersicht und können diese in Ihre Statusanfrage oder Voranmeldung kopieren.
    • Können Sie kein Shipment für den betreffenden Container finden? Ihr Transportunternehmen ist möglicherweise (noch) nicht zugelassen. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Kunden, um das Problem zu lösen.

ECT und Euromax können keine Aktualisierungen verarbeiten. Wir empfehlen daher, um bei diesen Terminals erst eine Voranmeldung zu erstellen, wenn die Statusanfrage vollständig korrekt und grün ist.

Für Transportunternehmen und Softwareanbieter mit einer HCN-API-Systemverbindung:

Das neue Feld „consignmentNumber“ wurde dem bestehenden „handlingData“-Objekt hinzugefügt. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie im und in den API-Spezifikationen auf unserem Entwicklerportal.


Sind Probleme aufgetreten?
Haben Sie alle genannten Schritte durchgeführt und die Probleme treten immer noch auf? Wenn ja, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Portbase.

Auf dem Bildschirm sieht das wie folgt aus:

In HCN Road:

In HCN Barge und Rail wie folgt:

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6b. Wie kann ich die Freigabe an (Stamm-) Partner weitergeben?

In this knowledge article we explain how you can submit a commercial release via various bulk actions for repetitive actions. Like registering (regular, occuring) partners, per B/L, in bulk via Excel uploads or Cargo Controller API. You can only apply this article if you have received a commercial release.

Passing on releases

Passing on an releases differs for the role of the chain party that you are going to manage. We have elaborated on the standard action per container in this article.

Processing releases in bulk

The above are simple actions if you have a limited volume of commercial releases to process. Within the Cargo Controller service there are several options to perform this in bulk, manually, semi-automatically or fully automated.

  1. Nominate via multi select
    Select a whole B/L by checking the checkbox for the B/L number. You can do this directly with multiple B/Ls.
  2. Nominate via multi select and filters
    The fastest way is to use the Quickview 'My Cargo' in combination with the filter 'Inland Operator' on the value 'Not nominated'. You can use additional filters to determine a range. Then check whether all B/Ls that you see in the overview screen are correct and click the checkbox next to the search field. This will select all containers that have not yet been nominated and that fall within your criteria in one go. Then click on 'Nominate Inland Operator' at the top of the screen. Go through the step-by-step plan and you will work on this action in bulk.
  3. Trusted Cargo Director
    Register your regular forwarder as a chain partner, we call this a 'trusted cargo director'. If the chain partner tracks the same B/L before you receive the commercial release, your partner will immediately be given the role of Cargo Director and can nominate his Inland Operator. Read further on in the article how you can set this up and apply it.
  4. Excel up- and download
    Within Cargo Controller it is possible to download all data that you see in the overview screen. In addition, there is also an option to upload up to 500 lines of data. In addition to tracking B/Ls in bulk in this way, you can also nominate and assign in bulk. Read here how you can apply this.
  5. Cargo Controller API
    Upon receipt of the commercial release, another party can be appointed as Cargo Director or a carrier can be nominated. Read all about it on our Developer portal of Cargo Controller API. Especially read the 'use cases Secure Chain'.

Registering Trusted Cargo Directors

This can only be set by Power Users and User Administrators.

  1. Log in to Cargo Controller, go to user menu > Manage data authorisations.
  2. Go to the tab 'Trusted Cargo Directors' and here you can register your logistics partners. You can add multiple parties. They will not receive confirmation of this registration.It only works for the B/Ls that you both track in advance and after which your organization receives the release.

Tip: Use this option for a limited number of organizations as this can cause confusion if too many organizations can claim these automatic rights. If multiple automatically authorized parties track the same B/L this becomes an undesirable situation, which can be poorly monitored by you. We advise to use this option very limited and to actively manage it. You can delete parties using the 'Delete' button.

Registering Trusted Inland Operators

This can only be set by Power Users and User Administrators.

Follow the steps above, but in step 2 go to the tab 'Trusted Inland Operators'. At the moment that NO Inland Operators are registered here, every employee of your organization can search for and use a Inland Operator themselves. From the moment that 1 Inland Operators is registered here, all employees of your organization will only be able to choose this Operator. You can register as many Inland Operators as you like.

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6a. Wie kann ich die Freigabe pro Stück melden?

In this knowledge article, we explain how to pass on a commercial release in a simple manner. We explain the bulk processing of this action further here. You can only apply this article if you have received a commercial release.

Passing on releases

Passing on an releases differs for the role of the chain party that you are going to manage.

Option 1: Are you passing on the release to your inland operator? Then you nominate the inland operator.

Option 2: Are you passing on the exemption to another forwarder? Then you appoint this party as the next Cargo Director. In some cases, this concerns a 'Tranfser' of cargo upon arrival at the terminal.

Nominate Inland Operator

  1. Click on the Secure Chain status of your container. You will then see your role and your rights, based on that Cargo Controller shows you which actions you are allowed to do.
  2. Click on Nominate Inland Operator. A new screen will open.
  3. Enter the organization name of your inland operator and it will be displayed in alphabetical order. If the name appears in multiple versions, you can use the location and/or the unique EAN number of your inland operator as additional recognition. This list shows all carriers registered with PCS, you can reduce this list by activating 'Trusted Inland Operators', this function concerns a so-called 'white list' that limits the choice options to that list. Read more about this later in this article.
  4. Click on 'Nominate Inland Operator'. In the screen overview the status of the Secure Chain is now updated and shows a green color.

Assign Cargo Director

  1. Click on the Secure Chain status of your container. You will then see your role and your rights, based on that Cargo Controller shows you which actions you are allowed to do.
  2. Click on 'Assign someone else as director'. A new screen will open.
  3. Type in the organization name of the forwarder and it will be shown in alphabetical order. If the name appears in multiple versions, you can use the location and/or the unique CoC number of the forwarder as additional recognition.
  4. Click on 'Assign'. In the screen overview the status of the Secure Chain is now updated and shows a green color.

You have are now able to nominate and assign other parties within the Secure Chain.

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5. Wie erhalte ich eine Gewerbebefreiung?

In this knowledge article we explain how you can receive a commercial release within the Secure Chain, how to recognize this and how to inform yourself. There are 2 ways in which your organization is linked to the Secure Chain (and thus the commercial release).

In order to understand this article properly, we expect you to be familiar with the Secure Chain via this Quick Start Guide and this article. And that you are already familiar with the basic functionalities of CC via the Quick Start Guide and/or this series of articles.

Option 1: You are the 'Release-to party' for this chain and receive the commercial release directly from the shipping company. The Secure Chain cannot start until your organization has been verified by the shipping company. This process is explained in this knowledge article.

Option 2: You have been designated as a 'Cargo Director' for this chain and receive the commercial release from the 'Release-to party' or from another 'Cargo Director'.

Receiving releases

You will receive a commercial release per container. You can recognize this by a container because it shows its status within the Secure Chain in the main screen.

Container without commercial release:

Container with commercial release:

Secure Chain pop-up

Click on the icon and you will see from whom, and when, you have received the commercial release. In the following knowledge article we will explain how to process this.

E-mail notifications

There are a number of email notifications available within Cargo Controller that can warn you if you are not logged in and a commercial release has become available for your organization within the Secure Chain. Read here how to set this up.

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4. Wie fange ich Die Secure Chain an?

The Secure Chain can start in 2 different ways within the logistics process (and therefore also in Cargo Controller):

Option 1: The carrier sends the commercial release directly to my organisation

In that case, you will automatically receive a message from the carriers that they will activate your organisation for the Secure Chain. With that message, they will also send a customer reference number, that number must be registered in Cargo Controller. Read this knowledge article for what you need to do.

Option 2: A client sends the commercial release to my organization

In that case, you will automatically receive a message from the client that his carrier will activate his organisation for the Secure Chain. Your client will ask you to prepare yourself for the first releases that will be passed on to you without a PIN code. You can read more in this article on how to receive and process a commercial release.

Did you miss an option? Discuss this with your client and/or shipping company. Ultimately, all containers imported via Rotterdam will be handled via the Secure Chain.

Before you continue: Inform your supply chain partners about the change you are going to make with each other.

Registering a customer reference number

You need to be a main user or a user manager of your IAM organisation to access these functionalities. Log in to the service Cargo Controller and go to User Menu. Select ' Manage data authorisations'

The screen will open with the tab ' Commercial releases'. Select the carrier, enter the customer reference and click Save.

You will now see the submitted customer reference listed by carriers company name's. The carrier will immediately receive a notification and will review your verification request.

Verification status

As long as your customer code is in the status of 'Pending' or 'Rejected' you cannot start the Secure Chain.


The carrier has not yet completed your verification, please contact the carrier.


Your entered customer code has not been accepted by the carrier. If a customer reference is rejected, an explanation will be provided. If you have any questions about this rejection, we advise you to contact the carrier.

Manage customer references

If you did not enter the customer reference correctly, you can easily delete it. To do so, click the Delete-button in the same screen where you entered the customer reference for verification. You can have several contracts and thus several customer references per carrier, which you can register individually.

Start Portbase Secure Chain

In consultation with the carrier, you then decide from which date, or for which B/Ls, commercial releases will be issued in Cargo Controller via the PCS. Portbase has no part in this process, this is purely between your organisation and the carrier(s). Your customer reference must have the status 'Accepted' before the Secure Chain can start.

This is how you start the Secure Chain

After reading this article, the foundation is laid to receive and process a commercial release. Read our other articles to see how the process continues.

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