This procedure is generic.
What to do during a malfunction?
Dangerous goods, incoming and transit
All notifications must be submitted directly to the Amsterdam Harbour Master. The 24-hour obligation to report will remain in effect for incoming and transit dangerous goods. You must sent the form “Notification Dangerous Goods” (see appendix) to You yourself are responsible at all times to verify whether the Amsterdam Harbour Master has received and approved your notification.
Outgoing dangerous goods
All notifications must be submitted directly to the Harbour Master. You must use the form “Notification Dangerous Goods” (see appendix) and submit the completed form by e-mail to You yourself are responsible at all times to verify whether the Amsterdam Harbour Master has received and approved your notification.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
When the malfunction has been resolved, you are obliged to submit your notifications electronically and retroactively.
If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Service Desk.
Amsterdam Harbour Master
Inspection hotline
0031 (0)20 – 523 4600
Contact with the Harbour Master’s Division | Port of Amsterdam
Download the form Report of arrival
Download the form Report dangerous and harmful substances
Download the form Report ISPS
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