The procedure is generic.
What to do during a malfunction? What to do during a malfunction?
You must check with the Harbour Master whether your most recent notifications from before the malfunction occurred have been received.
Notifications to PoR (Port of Rotterdam Authority):
Incoming movements and passing through movements
The 24-hour obligation to report will be reduced to 8 hours. All notifications must be submitted directly to the Harbour Coordination Centre (HCC). You must use the form found in appendix 1, 2 or 3, depending on the type of movement or notification you want to make. The HCC must be regularly updated by telephone or by e-mail with regard to the vessel’s ETA. You must check whether your notification has been received.
Outgoing and shift movements
The HCC must be informed of outgoing and shift movements by telephone or by e-mail no later than two hours before departure.
Notifications to Moerdijk:
All notifications with a berth in Moerdijk must be submitted directly to the Port of Moerdijk by e-mail, using the form found in annex 4. You must check whether your notification has been received.
Notifications to Customs:
Customs will provide a malfunction number that should be filled in on the paper General Declaration. More information on that will follow in the final section of this procedure.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
Notifications to PoR and Moerdijk
You will be able to notify your vessel visit using the standard procedure again. Notifications submitted during the malfunction must still be retroactively and electronically submitted to PoR via the PCS. If this is not done, your vessel visit will not be accepted and you will receive an
error message. In the event of notification to Moerdijk, this will automatically be forwarded by the PCS.
Notifications to Customs:
See the final section of this procedure.
If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Customer Service.
What to do during a malfunction? What to do during a malfunction?
Notifications to PoR:
Incoming movements and passing through
The 24-hour obligation to report will be reduced to 8 hours. All notifications must be submitted directly to the Harbour Coordination Centre (HCC). You must use the form found in annex 1, 2 or 3, depending on the type of movement or notification you want to make. The HCC must be regularly updated by telephone or by e-mail with regard to the vessel’s ETA. You must check whether your notification has been received.
Outgoing and shift movements
The HCC must be informed of outgoing and shift movements by telephone or by e-mail no later than two hours before departure.
Notifications to Moerdijk:
All notifications with a berth in Moerdijk must be submitted directly to the Port of Moerdijk by e-mail, using the form found in annex 4. You must check whether your notification has been received.
Notifications to Customs:
See the final section of this procedure.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
Notifications to PoR:
Vessel visits for all movements
You will be able to notify your vessel visit (including all past movements) using the standard procedure again. The HCC will also process
notifications which were submitted via the PCS just before or during the malfunction.
Notifications to Moerdijk:
You will be able to submit your vessel notifications using the standard procedure again. Notifications submitted during the malfunction must be retroactively and electronically submitted to PoR via the PCS.
Notifications to Customs:
See the final section of this procedure.
If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Customer Service.
What to do during a malfunction? What to do during a malfunction?
Notifications to Moerdijk:
All notifications with a berth in Moerdijk must be submitted not just in the PCS to the PoR, but also directly to the Port of Moerdijk by e-mail using the form found in annex 4. You must check whether your notification has been received.
Notifications to Customs:
A malfunction in the Port of Moerdijk’s Port Management System will not affect the messages you send to Customs.
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
Notifications to Moerdijk:
All notifications with a berth in Moerdijk that have been recorded in the PCS before or during the malfunction and sent to the PoR are processed retroactively by the Port of Moerdijk.
Notifications to Customs:
All notifications with a berth in Moerdijk have already been sent to Customs via the PCS.
If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Customer Service.
If there is a fault in the DMF, Customs will report this via a service message on: and announce whether the backup procedure may be used.
What to do during a malfunction? What to do during a malfunction?
Complete the form ‘General declaration IMO FAL 1’ The form “General Declaration – IMO FAL 1” can be found at:
What to do after the malfunction has been resolved?
When the malfunction has been resolved, you are obliged to submit your notification electronically and retroactively through the PCS.
If you have any questions, please contact the Portbase Customer Service.
Port of Rotterdam Authority
HCC Rotterdam
010 – 252 1000
010 – 252 1400
0168 38 8874
088 – 1534850 (24/7 bereikbaar)
Download the Fax form for the Port of Rotterdam Authority – 24-hour pre-notification (8 hours in advance)
Download the ISPS form
Download the emergency procedure form of Port of Rotterdam (the form only works correctly when you open it in Adobe Reader)
Download the notification to Moerdijk Harbour Master
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