Additional data sources are available within Cargo Controller that are made available by third parties. So-called add-ons make data available within Cargo Controller under their own conditions. You will mainly find providers of these add-ons in the Portbase Marketplace.
Basics: Carrier data
Based on the import manifest, Cargo Controller shows the most current information that the carrier (shipping agent) makes available based on its ship visit to the Dutch port(s). The reliability and accuracy is at most 4 days before the planned ETA. To improve the basics, the terminal data is considerably more reliable, sometimes up to 14 days before the planned ETA. Cargo Controller provides the carrier data by default, unless other sources are available and your organization meets the conditions. You can read more about these conditions at the bottom of this page.
Am I looking at terminal data or carrier data?
The status screen of Cargo Controller clearly indicates whether the data was supplied by the carrier or by the terminal. The example below shows data from the carrier:
The conditions under which you see data may differ per terminal. Below is an example of the APM Terminals that makes its terminal data available free of charge to all Cargo Controller users:
The conditions that a terminal sets can also result in your organization not seeing any data until these conditions are met. See below an example of an organization that did not have a ECT MyTerminal Free account and therefore did not receive a release confirmation in Cargo Controller:
Premium Terminal Data in Cargo Controller
* All Terminals reserve the right to make changes to their terms and conditions.
Those involved will be informed in a timely manner of any changes to the conditions.
The benefits of Premium Terminal Data
How to access Premium Terminal Data
To receive terminal data as a shipper or freight forwarder, you need a Cargo Controller subscription in Portbase. There are 2 options:
Via web: For Cargo Controller web users, the status screen in Cargo Controller clearly indicates whether the data was provided by the shipping line or the terminal.
Via API: Terminal data is also directly available through our Cargo Controller API. This allows you to use the API as a single source instead of setting up multiple separate connections. For more detailed information, see our API specifications on our Developer Portal.
Different procedures apply per terminal. Read more below.
APMT automatically provides terminal data within Cargo Controller. No additional action is required; this service is completely free of charge.APMT reserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions. Stakeholders will be informed of any changes in a timely manner.
Price: No subscription fee and/or transaction fee.
RWG Premium Terminal Data must be requested within the Cargo Controller service. Only users with the role ‘Main Administrator’ or ‘Data Managers’ can request this premium service)
Price: Based on a subscription and transaction fee per B/L. Find more here. Login to PCS is requiered.
To receive terminal data from ECT, you need to have both a Cargo Contoller account from Portbase and a MyTerminal+ account from ECT. Data authorisations for ECT have to be requested through MyTerminal. More information here.
Price: Based on ECT Myterminal account. Find out more here.