What additional data has RWG started sharing via HCN Barge in 2024?

RWG has started sharing the additional data below via HCN Barge in 2024. The data is shared as soon as it is available to the terminal.

  1. Call reference number (CRN): reference number to identify vessel visits. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  2. Cargo closing time: after this time, export containers are not allowed to be dropped off at the terminal for a specific vessel visit. This information is visible for (full and empty) drop-off
  3. Cargo opening time: before this time, export containers are not allowed to be dropped off at the terminal for a specific vessel visit. This information is visible for (full and empty) drop-off
  4. Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of seagoing vessel: expected time of arrival of the seagoing vessel according to the terminal. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  5. Estimated Time of departure (ETD) of seagoing vessel: expected time of departure of the seagoing vessel according to the terminal. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off
  6. Expected discharge time (EDT): expected discharge time of an import container. The information becomes available after the actual time of arrival (ATA) of the vessel. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up After discharge, the information field is cleared.
  7. Size type: the container size type known to the terminal is fed back in case there is a size type mismatch. This information is visible for full pick-up containers and for empty pick-up containers if the container number is known.
  8. Ultimate release date: commercial release end date. This information is visible for full pick-up
  9. Voyage number: number identifying the voyage of a vessel. This information is visible for (full and empty) pick-up and drop-off

The additional RWG data is displayed at several locations within HCN Barge.

For pick-up containers:
  1. Open a rotation and open the visit at RWG. In the ‘Handlings’ tab, click on ‘Show’ and hover over the seagoing vessel.
  2. From the overview above, click a handling to open it.

For drop-off containers:
  1. In a visit, open the ‘Handlings’ tab and then click on ‘Show’ to show all the handlings in the visit.
  2. From the overview above, click a handling to open it.

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