Which shipping companies are registered in HCN Road?
For a list of all shipping companies that are registered in the service HCN Road, including the SCAC and SMDG codes, click on the icon of the small figure at the top right of the dashboard. Then click on 'Reference data'. A new page now opens; you can download the list of shipping companies by clicking on 'Shipping companies'.
Storm pilotage: When do I have to enter extra information?
In case of a storm extra information may be required for vessels which are about to depart from Rotterdam and which require a pilot. In that case an infobar will be shown.
Depending on the lenght of the vessel, the vessel draft (< 9 meters) and the weather conditions, shore based pilotage may be allowed. Shore based pilotage is allowed when:
Vessels longer than 150 meters are never piloted remotely, and only have to indicate whether a pilot can debark either by helicopter or hoisting.
For Amsterdam this information will be obtained by the port authority (HOC) and does not have to be entered in Port Visit
What has ECT communicated about the Export Customs document?
As of April 17 2023, ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminals require an export document before the arrival of a container at the terminal. More information about this change at ECT Terminals can be found by clicking on this link.
Having trouble capturing screenshots with the mouse-over popups or so called tool tips showing?
Use the free tool Gadwin Printscreen.
It is also possible to directly e-mail statuses of selected handlings to an e-mail address.
View the Quick Start Guide under the ‘E-mail Notifications’ tab to see how this works.
Is it necessary to create a train journey for status information about the cargo?
It is not necessary for the train journey to be present in the system or be created in order to retrieve the status of the cargo via status information. If you click on 'Bookings' at the top of the black bar in the service Rail Planning, you can create a prenotification in the next screen to retrieve the status information.
How are trains arriving ‘too late’ or containers that are not in order dealt with?
Trains will not be turned away and will be allowed in if capacity is available. If the container information (documents/containers) are not in order, the containers in question will not be discharged/loaded.
Who do I need to contact for my Cargo Card?
If you encounter problems with your Cargo Card, your card has expired or you want to request a Cargo Card, you need to contact Secure Logistics. More information is available at: https://www.secure-logistics.nl.
What are my monthly costs if I do not use Cargo Tracker?
If this is the case you only pay the monthly subscription costs.
Are the costs for an API link-up the same as for using the web screens?
Yes, but with the API you receive free access to the Cargo Tracker web screens.
Do you have commercial questions or do you want to change or order something?
The Portbase sales department is ready to answer your questions. Telephone number +31 (0)88 625 2500 or sales@portbase.com.
What is the advantage of an API link-up?
The advantage of an API link-up is that you directly receive updates in your own in-house system in real time. With an API link-up, you can quickly create a connection between your own system and Cargo Tracker and thus easily use the Cargo Tracker data in your system for alerts, triggers, etc.
Where can I find the API specifications for Cargo Tracker?
These are available at: https://developer.portbase.com/services.
Where can I find all 43 services of Portbase?
For an up-to-date overview of all Portbase services, please visit our website: https://www.portbase.com/en/services/.
How do the monthly payments work?
Portbase uses monthly direct debit payments based on your actual usage. We will send you an invoice for your administration every month.
What is the minimum notice period?
The notice period for Cargo Tracker is 3 months.
How can I cancel?
You can cancel the service Cargo Tracker by sending an email to sales@portbase.com
Do I have to pay for every tracking & tracing request I submit?
We have implemented validations on a number of fields (such as number of characters). Does your input meet these validations, but have you for example made a typing error? Then you will be charged. This is because Portbase incurs costs for this ‘technically valid’ request.
How do I validate my organisation data?
Validation is done by the authorised signatory at the request of the top-level administrator. The former requests validation via the 'organisation management' tab - 'my organisations' - [choose organisation]. The screen consists of several parts that can be edited using the pen icon.
If a new authorised signatory is selected, they will first need to identify themselves using the ‘remote identification’ process.
The authorised signatory receives an e-mail with an overview of the original and modified organisation data. The e-mail also contains an activation code which, on approval, must be passed on to the top-level administrator. The top-level administrator can enter the activation code for the outstanding request under “open request".
This functionality is not yet active.
How can I change my Top-level Administrator?
The current Top-level Administrator can appoint a new top-level administrator via organisation management. This must be approved by the authorised signatory.
If the current Top-level Administrator is no longer available, please contact the Service Desk.
What is a kickback fee?
A fee paid to the data owner for providing the data.
How does billing take place?
Each month, a single summary invoice is sent out for the actual usage and the data services subscription. This invoice is separate from the regular monthly Portbase advance invoice. The invoice shows the cost of the monthly subscription and the number of discharge confirmations that the customer received in the past month (usage charges + kickback fee).
How do I validate my organisation data?
Validation is done by the authorised signatory at the request of the top-level administrator. The former requests validation via the 'organisation management' tab - 'my organisations' - [choose organisation]. The screen consists of several parts that can be edited using the pen icon.
If a new authorised signatory is selected, they will first need to identify themselves using the ‘remote identification’ process.
The authorised signatory receives an e-mail with an overview of the original and modified organisation data. The e-mail also contains an activation code which, on approval, must be passed on to the top-level administrator. The top-level administrator can enter the activation code for the outstanding request under “open request".
This functionality is not yet active.
How can I change my Top-level Administrator?
The current Top-level Administrator can appoint a new top-level administrator via organisation management. This must be approved by the authorised signatory.
If the current Top-level Administrator is no longer available, please contact the Service Desk.