I want to delete/change my document, is this possible?

If you have accidentally prenotified an incorrect document, you can request ECT Delta or Euromax to cancel the document via the service Notification Import Documentation. For other terminals, this can only be done by phone or e-mail.

Read the quick start guide on how to request the cancellation of a prenotified document. After the incorrect prenotification has been deleted, you can make a new document prenotification.

Below you can see which procedure each terminal supports.

APM Maasvlakte II: mvii.datacenter@apmterminals.com

Barge Center Waalhaven: Pvdpluijm@waalhaven-group.nl

Broekman Distriport: CSD.distriport@broekmanlogistics.com / csd.containers@broekmanlogistics.com

CCT Moerdijk: operations@cctmoerdijk.com /0168-334289

CLDN (C.RO) Ports Rotterdam: freight.uk@cldn.com / +352 264466288

CLDN (C.RO) Ports Vlissingen: freight.uk@cldn.com / +352 264466288

DFDS Seaways Rotterdam (Vlaardingen): ferry.vlaardingen@dfds.com / +31(0)10-2084991

Hutchison Ports ECT Delta and Euromax: You can submit a cancellation request via Notification Import Documentation. Read more about this here. For questions about your cancellation request, please contact customerservice@ect.nl

Hutchison Ports Delta II: rot.data-edi@hutchisonportsdelta2.com

Kloosterboer Vlissingen: KBV.Logistics@kloosterboer.nl / 0118-486359

KVSA (DFDS) IJmuiden: felison@kvsa.nl / 06- 26 434 993

Matrans Rotterdam Terminal: administration.terminal@matrans.nl

P&O Ferries Rotterdam (Europoort): customs.clearance.europoort@poferries.com / +31 (0)181-255310

Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG): dcg@rwg.nl

Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals: customs@rstbv.nl or 010 – 294 2422

Stena Line Hoek van Holland: security.holland@stenaline.nl / + 31 (0)174-389444

Stena Line Rotterdam (Europoort): security.europoort@stenaline.nl / +31 (0)181-242180

TMA Amsterdam: amsterdam_ct@tmalogistics.nl or 020 – 705 2444

Verbrugge Zeeland: avis@verbrugge.nl or 0118 – 42 63 90

Verbrugge Scaldia: avis@verbrugge.nl of 0118 – 42 63 90

Waalhaven Botlek Terminal: balie_wbt@waalhaven-group.nl

Zoomweg Zeeland Coldstore: import@zzcoldstore.nl / 0113-322361

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