By means of this Quick Start Guide, we will explain in a few brief steps how to use the service Hinterland Container Notification Rail.
For whom is this service intended?
This service allows you to pre-notify containers (and, in the future, train visits) at deepsea terminals and depots through one single portal. Here, you have real-time insight into your train rotations and terminal visits 24/7.
The service Hinterland Container Notification Rail is aimed at the following target groups:
Navigating to the service
You can start Hinterland Container Notification as follows:
Do you not yet have access to this service? Ask your colleague who has been designated Portbase main user for your organisation. He/she can provide you with the required authorisation for this.
The ‘Rotations’ dashboard
In the ‘Rotations’ dashboard, you have 24/7 real-time insight into your train rotations and terminal visits. Clearly organised, with the scheduled rotations that you are working on at the top. Below are the rotations that are currently in operation, your completed rotations and, in conclusion, your cancelled rotations.
The ‘Handlings’ dashboard
Are you responsible for the cargo aspects? Then click on the Handlings dashboard. Here too, we have organised your workflow in a clear manner. At the top, you will find the containers that still need to be attached to a train (detached handlings). Next, you will find the pre-notified and already attached containers, the containers in operation and the containers already handled.
An important difference compared to the ‘Rotations’ overview is that ‘Handlings’ also offers insight into the ‘Detached Handlings’. Detached Handlings are STATUS REQUESTS for containers that have not yet been linked to a train visit, but for which you would like to know the container status (link to existing visit = No).
You can upgrade a STATUS REQUEST to a PRE-NOTIFICATION and link this to a train visit.
Does the same terminal appear two or more times in your rotation?
You can report this rotation as a single train journey. Using the example below, we’ll explain the steps you need to follow:
Important: If you change the loading/unloading number (either at the visit or rotation level) after a prenotification has already been made, no new COPINO will be sent. The CODECOs returned on the previously provided journey number will therefore not be matched.
Every change that a terminal makes to a visit will immediately be displayed on the overview screen, indicated by a blue dot.
Open the terminal visit and view the changes in the fields marked with this dot.
To accept the change or mark it as having been read, click on ‘Acknowledge update’. The blue dot will disappear.
Click here to read what the blue orb means in the rotation overview.
There are several ways to enter your containers via the HCN web screens:
Through the ‘Handlings’ dashboard
Click on ‘Add handling’
Do you know what visit/Call-ID you wish to link the handling too? You can submit both a status request and a pre-notification.
Through the ‘Rotations’ dashboard
Through Excel upload
Below are the steps you need to take in order to
Step 1: download the Excel template
The first step for sharing the scheduled inbound and scheduled outbound train composition with the terminal is to download the Excel template provided for this purpose. To do so, go to the ‘Rotations’ tab, open the rotation and visit and click on the ‘Train Composition’ tab. Then click ‘Download Excel template’ to download the Excel template.
Step 2: fill in the necessary details
Save the Excel template and fill in the required fields. Check the ‘Guide’ tab in the Excel template for clarification on the requested data for the inbound/outbound train composition. Which fields you need to fill in for each container depends on whether the container is/will be loaded or discharged at a terminal that is/is not connected to HCN Rail.
Make sure you fill in both the inbound and outbound train composition! You only need to fill in the wagon position, wagon number and wagon slot once. To see the outbound train, scroll to the right in the Excel template.
Container is being/has been loaded/discharged at a terminal that is connected to HCN Rail
If there is a container on the planned inbound/outbound train composition that is being or has been loaded/unloaded at a terminal connected to HCN Rail, some of the required data can be retrieved using the Handling Id or the container number. It is important that all pre-notifications for the entire journey have already been completed.
Please note that in addition to the Handling Id/container number, you also need to fill in the following details: wagon position, wagon number, wagon slot, loading terminal, and discharge terminal. In the grey-shaded section of the Excel template, an example is provided of a container where some of the required information is retrieved based on the Handling Id. The grey-shaded fields serve as an example and cannot be overwritten.
PLEASE NOTE: Are you retrieving the container details using the Handling Id/container number? Then you are required to fill in the ‘Cargo weight (kg)’ and ‘Tare weight (kg)’ fields in the prenotification of the relevant handling. These are mandatory details for the train composition. If you are transporting dangerous goods in the container, you must also provide the UN number, Hazard class, and GEVI in the pre-notification. To do this, click on ‘+ Add Good’ in the prenotification . This will open three fields where you can enter the required information.
PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to include container remarks in the prenotification; these will then be copied to the train composition. At present, these container remarks on the train composition are only processed by ECT. If you want to pass a container remark on the train composition to another terminal, we recommend contacting that terminal separately.
Container is being/has been loaded/discharged at a terminal that is not connected to HCN Rail
If there is a container on the planned inbound/outbound train composition that is being or has been loaded/unloaded at a terminal not connected to HCN Rail, you are required to manually enter all the necessary information. Please note: The UN number, Hazard class, GEVI, limited quantity, packing group, and description should only be filled in if the container is carrying dangerous goods.
The grey shaded section in the Excel template shows some examples of containers for which the required data has been filled in completely manually. The grey-shaded fields serve as examples and cannot be overwritten.
PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to enter container remarks in the Excel template. At present, these are only processed by ECT. If you want to pass a container remark on to another terminal, we recommend contacting that terminal separately.
Step 3: upload the completed Excel template into the MCA Rail web screens
When you have finished filling in the Excel template, save it and upload it into the HCN Rail web screens. The upload button only appears if the deadline for the cut-off time has not yet passed. Hovering your mouse over the upload button will reveal until what time you can upload the train composition. The standard cut-off for submission is two hours before the proforma arrival slot time agreed with the terminal. If the slot time changes, the terminal can adjust the cut-off time per visit. Please contact the terminal about this.
After uploading the Excel template, the train composition appears in the web screen. To edit the train composition, re-upload the Excel template with the updated data. It is not possible to edit the train composition in the web screen.
After completing the operation at the terminal, the ‘Download train composition (after operations)’ button appears. Click this button to download an Excel file showing the planned outbound train composition including any deviations in the remarks.
In the ‘Operational Remarks (Slot)’ and ‘Operational Remarks (Wagon)’ columns, ‘Planned load/discharge did not occur [(container number])’ or ‘Unplanned load/discharge occured [(container number])’ indicate whether deviations from the planning have occurred at slot/wagon level.
Currently, only RWG supports the inclusion of the slot position in the discharge/load confirmation. For the terminals that do not provide slot position feedback, the ‘unplanned loads/discharges’ are indicated in the ‘Operational Remarks (Wagon)’ column, where they are indicated on the wagon at slot position 1 by default.
It is possible to add one or more rail operators to your rotation as a designated extra rail operator(s). As a designated extra rail operator, this rail operator can independently submit prenotifications to the terminals for the visits on your rotation. The designated rail operator itself will then be charged for the submitted prenotifications.
There are two ways to add an extra rail operator to a rotation.
Option 1: Add extra rail operator to a specific rotation
1. Select the rotation for which you want to add an extra designated rail operator.
2. Go to the ‘Cargo declarants’ tab.
3. Click on the ‘Add declarant’ button to add an extra designated rail operator.
Please note: the designated rail operator must be connected to HCN Rail.
4. Save the designated rail operator by clicking ‘Save declarants’.
Option 2: Add extra designated rail operator to a repeated rotation
1. Select the ‘Configuration’ tab and then open the saved templates by clicking on ‘Rail rotation templates’.
2. Select the template you want to add the designated rail operator to.
3. Go to the ‘Cargo declarants’ tab.
4. Click on the ‘Add declarant’ button to add a designated rail operator.
Please note: the extra designated rail operator must be connected to HCN Rail.
5. Save the changes by clicking ‘Save template’ at the bottom of the page. Each time you create a new rotation using this template, the extra designated rail operator will automatically be added.
Once you have added the extra designated rail operator, the rotation is also displayed under the ‘Rotations’ tab in the designated rail operator’s web screens and/or in the extra designated rail operator’s TMS via the API link. The extra rail operator can now independently add handlings to this rotation. The extra rail operator can only view its own handlings and the container statuses of its own handlings. This means that the extra designated rail operator can only process its own handlings.
Note: to remove the extra designated rail operator as the lead operator, the extra rail operator must first delete all created handlings.
Through the ‘Handlings’ and ‘Rotations’ dashboards, you can detach, attach and change the container to a different Call-ID.
Attaching and changing
You can use the Shipments feature to see which containers have been assigned to you by way of nomination for pre-notification and collection. You can also nominate another haulier for pre-notification and collection of the container. This is a new way of working to share data securely, also known as the Secure Chain.
On the MCA Road service page, go to the Shipments tab. This is where you will see an overview of all containers which you have been nominated for via the Secure Chain and which may require further action.
Under the Arrivals tab, you will see the containers listed per seagoing vessel.
Under the Shipments tab, you will see the containers grouped per commissioning party or freight manager.
By using the filter located above the containers, you can quickly find your container(s).
Please note: Make sure the date range is set to the ETA of the seagoing vessel.
There are a number of actions you can take at container level.
Select one or more containers and at the bottom of the screen, you will see three buttons with actions:
You have now outsourced the pre-notification and transport of the container to another haulier. The selected haulier can now be seen in the container details. The container will remain visible to you and you can continue to track the container status, scheduled and actual pick-up times. Only your own status request and/or pre-notification is cancelled at the time of the handover.
Do you want to cancel the nomination you have made for one or more containers?
Use the Download button to download an Excel file with the data of the selected containers for your own TMS.
Rotation level
At rotation level, the number of containers to be unloaded and/or loaded is shown. If any containers require attention, a red triangle with an exclamation mark and the number of containers will appear.
Visit level
By clicking on the rotation, the terminal visits within the rotation are shown.
The number of containers to be unloaded and/or loaded is also shown at the visit level, whereby a red triangle with an exclamation mark is displayed (and the number of containers) if any container require attention. By opening the visit, the containers that require attention are shown at the top of the list by default.
Container level/handling level
The statuses below (green = OK, red = action required) are displayed for each container. This is also visible via the ‘Handlings’ dashboard.
Container delivery:
Container pick-up:
All actions and timestamps can be viewed under Rotation, Visit and Handlings. A record of all actions and updates performed. For example, click on the ‘History’ tab via Rotation, Visit or Handlings to see all updates. This always gives you insight into all the changes that have taken place. Hover your mouse over an update and click on the pop-up icon to view your rotation at that point in time.
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