What is the correct booking number for ferry operators in export shipments?

If you prenotify the ferry operator in Notification Export Documentation, the first 4 positions (SCAC code) of the booking number make sure that the notification is sent to the correct ferry operator. If the first 4 positions are not entered correctly, you have not made a successful prenotification. In that case, an orange dot appears behind the booking number along with the text ‘Booking number not (yet) known at terminal’. This means you will not be admitted to the ferry operator’s premises.

For the booking numbers of the ferry operators, the first 4 positions are as follows:

Company SCAC Example Additional Explanation
CLdN CLVW CLVW0012345678 “CLVW” & “00” & booking number (8 positions)
DFDS DFDS DFDS12345678 “DFDS” & booking number (8 positions)
P&O Ferries PONF PONFEU12345678 “PONF” & “EU” & booking number (8 positions)
Stena Line STNL STNL0012345678 “STNL” & “00” & booking number (8 positions)

If your prenotification is successful, the dot next to the ‘booking number’ will turn green. You are ready to present your shipment to the ferry operator. If you are not admitted even though the dot is green, please contact the ferry operator.

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