What is the difference between equipment number and shipment number for import shipments?

Notification Import Documentation 2.0 can be used for both deepsea-, shortsea- and ferry terminals.

  • Deepsea- and shortsea terminals generally want to receive your import document per container. In that case, enter the unique container number in the equipment number field.
  • For ferryterminals, it is necessary to send your import document per shipment number. A shipment number consists of a SCAC-code, the booking number and the sequence number of the shipment. Shipment numbers of ferry-operators have the following format:

CLDN: CLVW0012345678001

DFDS/KVSA: DFDS123456780001

P&O: PONFHU12345678001

Stena Line: STNL0012345678001

This overview shows which cargo flows are supported by the various terminals.

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