Harbour master introduces support for reporting requirement

24 October 2023 | Notification Dangerous Goods

Tankers and Prewash

From now on, you will receive a warning to also report a prewash if the cargo to be discharged is subject to a prewash obligation applies.

When handling “Washing”, both “Commercial wash” and “Prewash” the destination of the wash water can be reported. In daily practice, wash water from a prewash is allowed to be
be collected in a cargo tank before it is delivered to the collector. As the destination of the wash water, a specific cargo tank can now be selected. The corresponding “Collecting
tank” is selected via a dropdown menu. This contains only the cargo tanks with a status empty or residue.

It is now only possible to report a date/time for cleaning that lies between the ETA berth and ETD berth. If the exact time is not yet known 00:00 may be reported. may be reported.

The Harbour Master would also like to draw your attention to the following points;

  • Waste notification
  • LAB for container ships > 350m (Port of Rotterdam only)
  • Workshop HCC – VRC (in Rotterdam)

Read the full announcement by Port of Rotterdam here (available only in Dutch).