Bekijk hieronder de ondersteuning per modaliteit.
Terminal | Address | Zip code | EAN code | Location code | Status request | Status requests: Continuous updates | Pre-notification | Update pre-notification | Cancel pre-notification | Pre-notification: Continuous updates | Gate-in Gate-out | Empty pre-notification: with booking nr. only | TAR code | Remote Check-In | Remain on Truck | Commercial window information | Cargo opening & closing information | EAN Validation |
APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.V | Europaweg 910 | 3199 LC | 8713755272258 | NLRTMNLMVII | ||||||||||||||
CLDN Distriport | Mannheimweg 3 | 3197 LR | 8713755502218 | NLRTMBDP | ||||||||||||||
CTT Rotterdam | Butaanweg 17 | 3196 KC | 8713755283179 | NLRTMCTTR | ||||||||||||||
CTVrede Amsterdam | Corsicaweg 8b | 1044AB | 8713755502287 | NLAMSCTVA | ||||||||||||||
CTVrede Hoogtij | Achterspring 1 | 1551NR | 8713755502287 | NLWTZCTVH | ||||||||||||||
DCS | Kramer Group | Missouriweg 30 | 3199 LB | 8713755948719 | NLRTMOQEP | ||||||||||||||
Euromax Terminal B.V. | Maasvlakteweg 951 | 3199 LZ | 8713755502201 | NLRTMEMX | ||||||||||||||
Hanseatic Global Terminals Rotterdam Depot B.V. | Ophemertstraat 1 | 3089 JD Rotterdam | 8713755969592 | NLRTMHPLW | ||||||||||||||
Hutchison Ports Delta II B.V. | Coloradoweg 50 | 3199 LA | 8713755000394 | NLRTMHPD2 | ||||||||||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta Terminal B.V. | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTMDCD | ||||||||||||||
Matrans Rotterdam Terminal | Reeweg 25 | 3089 KM | 8713755234607 | NLRTMMATR | ||||||||||||||
R.B.C./Cetem | Westgeulstraat 6 | 3197 LD | 8713755299484 | NLRTMCETA | ||||||||||||||
RCT | Kramer Group | Missouriweg 17 | 3199 LB | 8713755955137 | NLRTMKRM | ||||||||||||||
RSC | Reeweg 35 | 3089 KM | 8713755000158 | NLRTMRSC | ||||||||||||||
RST | Reeweg 35 | 3089 KM | 8713755259860 | NLRTMRST | ||||||||||||||
RWG | Amoerweg 50 | 3199 KD | 8713755270896 | NLRTMRWG | ||||||||||||||
UWT Depot Frisohaven | Bunschotenweg 160 | 3089 KC | 8713755903541 | NLRTMUWT | ||||||||||||||
UWT Depot Waalhaven | Waalhaven West Zijde 60 | 3089 KR | 8713755047085 | NLRTMWHT | ||||||||||||||
UWT Depot Maasvlakte | Afrikaweg 11 | 3199 KJ | 8713755964382 | NLRTMUWTYH |
Terminal | Address | Zip code | EAN code | Location code | Status request | Status requests: continues updates | Pre-notification | Update pre-notification | Cancel pre-notification | Gate-in / Gate-out | Empty pre-notification: with booking nr. only |
APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.V | Europaweg 910 | 3199 LC | 8713755272258 | NLRTM + 0APMA | |||||||
CLDN Distriport | Mannheimweg 3 | 3197 LR | 8713755502218 | NLRTM + 0GEVB | |||||||
Cetem | Westgeulstraat 6 | 3197 LD | 8713755232023 | NLRTM + CETEM | |||||||
Hutchison Ports Delta II B.V | Coloradoweg 50 | 3199 LA | 8713755000394 | NLRTM + 0HPDE | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00DBF | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00DCS | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00DDE | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00DDN | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00DDW | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 000LT | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + 00VDM | |||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Euromax | Maasvlakteweg 951 | 3199 LZ | 8713755502201 | NLRTM + 00EMX | |||||||
Matrans Rotterdam Terminal | Reeweg 25 | 3089 KM | 8713755234607 | NLRTM + 00MAT | |||||||
QTerminal Delta Container Services (DCS) | Missouriweg 30 | 3199 LB | 8713755948719 | NLRTM+OQEP | |||||||
QTerminal Kramer City Depot (KCD) | Reeweg 35 | 3089 KM | 8713755297305 | NLRTM+RSN | |||||||
QTerminal Rotterdam Container Terminal (RCT) | Missouriweg 17 | 3199 LB | 8713755955137 | NLRTM+KRM | |||||||
R.B.C | Westgeulstraat 6 | 3197 LD | 8713755299484 | NLRTM + 00RBC | |||||||
RST Zone 10 | Reeweg 35 | 3089 KM | 8713755259860 | NLRTM + RSTNO | |||||||
RST Zone 8-9 | Reeweg 35 | 3089 KM | 8713755259860 | NLRTM + RSTZU | |||||||
RWG | Amoerweg 50 | 3199 KD | 8713755270896 | NLRTM + 00RWG | |||||||
UWT Depot Eemhaven | Bunschotenweg 160 | 3089 KC | 8713755903541 | NLRTM + 00UCT | |||||||
UWT Depot Frisohaven | Bunschotenweg 160 | 3089 KC | 8713755903541 | NLRTM + UWTFR | |||||||
UWT Depot Waalhaven | Waalhaven West Zijde 60 | 3089 KR | 8713755047085 | NLRTM + 0WHTW |
Terminal | Address | Zip code | EAN code | Location code (edifact) | Status request | Status requests: Continuous updates | Pre-notification | Update pre-notification | Cancel pre-notification | Pre-notification: Continuous updates | Gate-in Gate-out | Empty pre-notification: with booking nr. only |
APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.V | Europaweg 910 | 3199 LC | 8713755272258 | NLRTM + NLMVII | ||||||||
Euromax Terminal B.V. | Maasvlakteweg 951 | 3199 LZ | 8713755502201 | NLRTM + EMX | ||||||||
Hutchison Ports Delta II B.V | Coloradoweg 50 | 3199 LA | 8713755000394 | NLRTM + HPD2 | ||||||||
Hutchison Ports ECT Delta Terminal B.V. | Europaweg 875 | 3199 LD | 8713755000059 | NLRTM + DCD | ||||||||
RWG | Amoerweg 50 | 3199 KD | 8713755270896 | NLRTM + RWG |
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